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Currency Converter

Buying Rate
Selling Rate
Australia (Australian Dollar) Bahrain (Bahrain Dinar) Canada (Canadian Dollar) China (Chinese Yuan) Denmark (Danish Kroner) Hong Kong (Hongkong Dollar) India (Indian Rupees) Japan (Japanese Yen) Korea, Republic of (S. Korean Won) Kuwait (Kuwaiti Dinar) Malaysia (Malaysian Ringgit) Qatar (Qatari Riyal) Saudi Arabia (Saudi Rial) Singapore (Singapore Dollar) Sweden (Swedish Kroner) Switzerland (Swiss Frank) Thailand (Thai Bhat) United Arab Emirates (UAE Dirham) United Kingdom (Pound Sterling) United States (Us Dollar)

  Currency Unit Buying Rate Selling Rate
Australia (Australian Dollar) 1 86.7300 88.2900
Bahrain (Bahrain Dinar) 1 312.2700 315.5500
Canada (Canadian Dollar) 1 94.2800 95.8800
China (Chinese Yuan) 1 18.2800 18.3700
Denmark (Danish Kroner) 1 18.6200 19.2600
Hong Kong (Hongkong Dollar) 1 15.1100 15.5600
India (Indian Rupees) 1 1.6000 1.6015
Japan (Japanese Yen) 10 10.7700 10.9400
Korea, Republic of (S. Korean Won) 100 10.0700 10.3300
Kuwait (Kuwaiti Dinar) 1 391.8300 395.7400
Malaysia (Malaysian Ringgit) 1 27.7800 28.1400
Qatar (Qatari Riyal) 1 32.2200 32.5400
Saudi Arabia (Saudi Rial) 1 31.4300 32.0600
Singapore (Singapore Dollar) 1 87.0900 88.4000
Sweden (Swedish Kroner) 1 13.5100 13.8500
Switzerland (Swiss Frank) 1 128.6100 130.4100
Thailand (Thai Bhat) 1 3.4800 3.5800
United Arab Emirates (UAE Dirham) 1 31.9200 32.8100
United Kingdom (Pound Sterling) 1 163.6800 165.8400
United States (Us Dollar) 1 118.5000 119.1000




Pandemic-hit youth entrepreneurs complain about lack of government support

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 54.5 percent of all establishments in the country are owned by young people.


Monetary policy prioritises relief and recovery for the pandemic-hit

Extension of repayment deadline, availability of cheaper interest loans, refinance among the measures announced by the new policy.


Telecom authority to issue guideline for wireless routers

The regulator said low quality equipment could be one of the key reasons behind poor internet connections.


Unions set up roadblock against long stalled aviation bills

The trade unions say they fear the government will gradually privatise the airports, causing them to lose their perks and pay.


Government agency to operate Chobhar dry port for now

The facility will be handed over to the private sector through competitive bidding at an opportune time, officials say.


Once power-starved, Nepal now aims to export electricity

The country now is energy surplus after an increase in total installed capacity, and the realisation of the plan to sell power to India would mark a milestone.


Chiraito traders clearing out stocks as Tibet market remains closed

Tibet is the largest buyer of the herb, but Chinese authorities do not plan to reopen the border anytime soon, insiders say.


Completion deadline for Pokhara international airport extended

All tasks including testing of navigation and meteorological equipment may be finished by April 2022, officials say.


Flower industry wilts as social events are scaled back

Demand has plunged as seminars, meetings and weddings have been banned in the last one and a half years.


Telecom authority implements infrastructure sharing bylaw

The regulation allows several telecom companies to use the same installations like towers and fibre networks, freeing them from having to build their own.