Today, Facebook is one of the most used social networks in the world. It is popular not only in certain countries, but all over the world.

Most of the users are present on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tiktak and other social networks. In which their activity is seen. But what happens to a user's social media account after he or she dies?


If you have a similar question, today we are trying to solve it. After the death of a Facebook user, there may be a dilemma as to whether his Facebook account will be running or closed.

However, Facebook has made some rules in the case of deceased users. The company has information about which in its help center.


Accordingly, a user can assign a legacy account to take care of his Facebook account till his death in any case. Or you can choose to delete your account completely from Facebook.

Memorialized Account

If a Facebook user has not opted to permanently delete their Facebook account after their death, but Facebook is aware of the person's death, such an account will be changed to a memorialized account.

You may be wondering, what is this memorized account or what is it like? Such an account becomes a place for family and friends, where they can erase the memory of their deceased.


If you look at the account of a deceased person on your Facebook, you will see Remembering written along with the profile. Depending on the private settings of such accounts, friends and family can go to the timeline of the deceased and erase the memory.

Shared photos, posts, etc. remain in the timeline of such an account. Which can be seen by shared people. This type of account cannot be seen as a reminder of any kind.


Also, no one can login to such an account. If only the person whose account was memorized had an admin on a page, such a page is also deleted.

Legacy contacts

These types of contacts are directly linked to a memorized account. You can choose someone to take care of the Memorialized account after your balance.

Facebook recommends that all users set up a legacy contact for this type of option. As a result, after the death of a user's account can be maintained.

Now you must be wondering what can be done with such an account. If a user has died, the person in the form of legacy contact can post on the profile of the deceased.

It can also change the profile or cover photo of the deceased. Not only this, he can also request to delete the account of the deceased. If you have this feature turned on, you can download a copy of the things shared on your Facebook from Legacy Contacts.

In addition, there are some things that a legacy contact can never do.

In which it is not possible to login the account of the deceased, read the message, unfriend a friend or send a friend request.

Do you want to delete your Facebook account after the rest?

You can even choose to delete your Facebook account after your death if you wish. With the help of which your account is automatically deleted from Facebook.

Facebook will immediately delete all your photos, messages, posts, comments, reactions and other information after receiving information about your death. But for this, it is necessary to get the information of your death to Facebook.

For this you can use this feature released from Facebook. To do this, first click on the account in the upper right corner of Facebook. Then go to Settings via Settings and Privacy.

Tap on 'Memorialization' inside. Now scroll down and click on 'Request That Your Account Be Deleted After Your Pass Away' and select 'Delete After Death'.

After doing so, your account will be permanently deleted from Facebook after your death. You can also get detailed information about it by clicking here.