Since personal loans are the perfect financial instruments to depend upon whenever you need funds, it becomes very important to pick and choose the right one. The personal loan that meets all your needs and is not hard on your pocket, in the long run, is usually the one you should go for. 

On that note, let's skim through five tips that can help you choose a personal loan that will be most beneficial to you.

  1. Consider Favorable Interest Rates

It is common knowledge that interest rates can vary greatly between banks. And obtaining an affordable interest rate is critical because even a difference of minor percentages can add significantly to the total cost of the loan over time. 

Do your homework and compare the interest rates offered by various banks to the bank you have your savings account in. This exercise can be easily conducted online. Also, you should remember that certain banks offer different terms and rates to different customers based on personal income and the applicant's relationship with the bank.

With the rise of online loan applications, the instant personal loan apps in India provide a seamless avenue for you to compare rates and make an informed choice.

  1. Look Out for High Processing Fees and Hidden Charges

While you can get stuck on interest rates while picking a loan scheme, there's more to it than what meets the eye. You should consider and compare the various processing/hidden fees levied by the different banks.

These appear in the form of cheque bounce charges, processing fees, late payment charges, service tax, and so on. Since the processing fee ranges between 1% and 3%, it makes a huge difference during a long repayment tenure. If the financial institution is charging high fees, you'll end up paying more even with a relatively lower interest rate. 

  1. Repayment Flexibility Matters

Repayment is the last thing that comes to mind while applying for a loan. But it is important to look for a flexible repayment term to get the best borrowing experience. Not only will this allow you to spread out your EMIs over a suitable repayment period based on your monthly income, but it also helps you pick a longer term to get lower EMIs and leverage tax breaks.

Foreclosure charges also play a significant role during the repayment tenure. This means that if you want to pay off the balance of your loan before the term is up, you'll have to pay a small fee. While many financial institutions do not charge foreclosure fees, some may cost you 2% to 5% of the balance amount.

  1. Documentation and Paperwork Requirements

Running into a wall of paperwork often ends up being a bad transaction for the future. The hassle of documentation will divert your attention from more important aspects of the personal loan and cater to your needs.

Choose the personal loan scheme that meets your needs thoroughly and offers a hassle-free application procedure. Make a note of the fact that the ideal personal loan schemes are the ones that come with a bare minimum amount of disclaimers and manual paperwork.

  1. Easy-to-Meet Eligibility Criteria

While scouting the market for the right personal loan to meet your need, consider the eligibility criteria as well. It is preferable to look for a lender with easy-to-meet eligibility requirements to reduce the effort required to get the loan amount verified and approved.

The procedural formalities are hugely reduced if the eligibility criteria are easier to match without any workarounds.


The right instant personal loan can pull you out of a financial bind effectively if and when you need money right away. Personal loans can bail you out in a harmless manner, especially for occasions that need a quick influx of a considerable amount of cash, like weddings, vacations, college tuitions, and house renovations.