When it comes to drinking water, hydration, especially mild is one of the most overlooked health benefits. We tend to associate drinking water with smooth processing of bodily functions or the risk of severe dehydration. However, there is more than what meets the eye when it comes drinking water impact on health. Apart from dehydration, hydration is important to avoid several health-related problems, including mental health.

But before we can get down to that, let us understand the fundamentals of hydration and when it impacts mental health.

What is hydration?

Hydration is the level of water required by our body at all times to function at its most optimum level. While you may tend to believe that drinking water every time you feel thirsty is the right way to stay well-hydration, this isn’t entirely true. This is because thirst is a symptom that the body signals only after you are already experiencing mild dehydration. Hence, to stay hydrated, you need to drink water at regular intervals rather than waiting to feel thirsty.

What is mild dehydration?

We often tend to associate hydration or the lack of it with feeling uneasy, tired, dizzy and so on. However, mild hydration often goes unnoticed and unrecognized owing to mild or no signals by the body. Unfortunately, even a 1% or 2% dehydration is enough to send your mental health for a toss. If you have ever wondered about hydration for mental health, know this – mild dehydration can cause your brain to work slowly, your mind can feel more anxious and panic-stricken, and you might even experience mood swings and temporary depression.

Hence, it is important to take steps to avoid even mild dehydration and create habits that ensure adequate hydration for stable and calm mental health at all times.

Can dehydration impact long-term mental health?

Absolutely. Mild to medium dehydration in the long run can reduce your body’s ability to prevent or fight off mental health problems. Several recent studies point to the fact that hydration for mental health is a real need, and while it is not the distinguishing factor, it does play a role.

What are the mental health illnesses or conditions that can be impacted by hydration or the lack of it?

Anxiety and depression are some of the most common mental health conditions where scientists have witnessed a link between these conditions and hydration. Further, chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and more are impacted by hydration or the lack of it. Hence, you should pay attention to adequate hydration to ensure good mental health among other best practices towards the same.

How can you ensure adequate hydration for mental health?

It is important that you incorporate better water consumption habits into your lifestyle to ensure adequate hydration for good mental health. Despite your busy schedule, you cannot afford to make excuses when it comes to your health. Hence, make sure you keep a bottle of water with you at all times whether you are at home, work, travelling or out for chores. This can go a long way in ensuring you do not delay that sip of water by a few minutes or a few hours.

Is there a specific kind of water that is recommended to ensure better hydration for mental health?

Technically, any water that is safe to consume for drinking will meet your hydration for mental health criteria. However, if you are looking for the best possible benefits, you should consider packaged drinking water with added minerals. This is because brands such as Bisleri offers as mang as 21 essential minerals in such packaged water. These minerals are proven to play a significant role in various mental health function. Hence, they can further enhance hydration for mental health benefits if consumed for a long time.


The link between hydration and mental health is a real one. It is perhaps why our ancestors insisted on traditions where water was the first thing served to guests, given its due importance in rituals alongside other essentials, and treated water as wealth.

In today’s times, we need to acknowledge the role of drinking water and hydration in an increasingly busy, stressed and air-conditioned urban environment, which leads to faster dehydration. Moreover, we need to understand that some of the biggest health benefits can take place by making tiny chances in our habits and lifestyle rather than shopping for fancy foods.

Lastly, we need to consider healthier alternatives such as packaged mineral water to ensure better mental health and prevention instead of continuing to compromise our health, all to avoid a small expense.