About 20% of Indian women experience polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is marked by the production of higher than normal levels of male hormones in women's bodies. Such a hormonal imbalance disrupts menstruation and often causes infertility, which makes it difficult to get pregnant.

The condition may also cause baldness and hair growth on the body and face. Besides, high blood sugar associated with PCOS can lead to diabetes and heart problems. Other conditions linked to PCOS include depression, sleep apnoea and endometrial cancer. 

So, when you have PCOS, consider seeking treatment from the best hospital in Bangalore. But first, you need to know the signs of PCOS and learn about its treatment options. For that, here's a look.


Symptoms of PCOS

You must opt for PCOS treatment when you experience: 

  • Irregular periods
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Hair growth on face, chest, belly and back (excess hair growth is known as hirsutism)
  • Acne on the face, upper back and chest
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Dark patches of the skin under the breasts, in the groin and on the neck


Diet and Lifestyle Changes for PCOS Management

The primary ways to manage PCOS are lifestyle changes including diet and exercise. Shedding only 5-10% of your body weight can improve signs of PCOS and regulate your periods. It can also reduce insulin, boost cholesterol levels and lower the risks of diabetes and heart disease.

Certain diets highly support weight loss, and therefore, help manage PCOS. Low-carb diets aid in weight loss and reduce insulin levels. Studies reveal that a low-GI (low glycemic index) diet, including whole grains, veggies and fruits, helps regulate menstruation better than a regular diet to lose weight.

Additionally, doing moderate exercise for 30 minutes, at least thrice a week can also boost weight loss besides improving insulin levels and ovulation. Therefore, studies say that a PCOS diet plus regular exercise speeds up weight loss.

Also, learn more about pcod vs pcos

PCOS Treatment Options

Sometimes, lifestyle changes alone are not enough to improve PCOS symptoms. Then you need to visit the best hospital in Bangalore for PCOS treatment.

  • Birth control pills: They help remove acne, lower the male hormone levels, regulate your menstrual cycles, and more.
  • Fertility treatments: If you suffer from infertility due to PCOS, infertility treatment methods like ovulation cycles and IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) can help you get pregnant.

In severe cases of PCOS, the doctor may recommend surgeries, such as:

  • Ovarian drilling

It is a laparoscopic method that uses electrocautery or laser to damage the androgen-producing tissue in the patient's ovaries.

  • Cyst aspiration

This procedure involves suctioning out the contents of your ovarian cyst with the help of a needle inserted through the vaginal wall. The doctor then studies the contents for any malignant cells.

  • Hysterectomy

It involves a surgical procedure to remove part or whole of the patient's uterus.

  • Oophorectomy

It is the surgical method to eliminate one or both ovaries of the patient.

To conclude, once you suspect having PCOS symptoms, ensure to get yourself treated at the best hospital in Bangalore as soon as possible.