Does your baby wake up at midnight crying and feeling flushed? Then take your baby's temperature to see if he/she has a fever.

An infant may develop a fever due to a bacterial or viral infection, any medical condition or certain vaccinations. The usual causes of fever in kids are ear infections and respiratory conditions like colds.

Fevers are often symptomatic of a more serious condition. Therefore, if your newborn aged 3 months or less is down with fever, consider visiting the best pregnancy hospital in Bangalore at once to see the doctor.

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With proper care, you can try bringing down the fever of a baby older than 3 months at home.

Tips to Bring Down Your Baby's Fever Safely

  • Offer acetaminophen

You can give your child a safe amount of acetaminophen (Tylenol). Doses may be based on your baby's weight.

If your baby doesn't show discomfort or fussiness due to fever, he/she may not need medication. Go for it for temporary relief only when the fever is high or causes much discomfort.

  • Adjust the clothing

Dress your baby in lightweight clothes. Consider using only a light blanket or sheet to keep him/her cool and comfortable. Overdressing your baby may interfere with his/her body's natural way of cooling down.

  • Give a lukewarm bath

Alcohol wipes or baths are not recommended for baby health care during a fever. Instead, sponge down your baby using lukewarm water. If you bathe the baby, maintain constant supervision. Skip cold water since it can cause shivering and spike up body temperature. Dry him/her right after a bath and dress your baby in lightweight clothing.

  • Turn the temperature down

You may keep your baby's room and/or your home moderately cool to prevent the little one from getting overheated.

  • Offer fluids

Fever often leads to dehydration. Then offer regular fluids like breast milk and ensure your baby shows tears when crying, wets diapers regularly and has a moist mouth. Visit the doctor to discuss how to hydrate your kid if that's a concern.

Things to Avoid

When your baby has a fever, consider not to:

  • Delay visiting the best pregnancy hospital in Bangalore if your newborn has a fever or your infant is ill or has a persistent fever.
  • Administer medication to an infant without measuring his/her temperature and asking the doctor.
  • Use medication meant for adults.
  • Rub alcohol or use ice to reduce your baby's temperature.

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When to Contact the Doctor?

Visit the best pregnancy hospital in Bangalore if:

  • Your infant younger than 3 months has a fever.
  • Your 3-6-month-old has a rectal temperature of 38.9°C or more.
  • Your baby 6-24 months old retains a fever above 38.9°C for more than 24 hours.
  • They are weaker, sleepier or fussier than usual.
  • The infant's temperature doesn't fall within 1 hour after a suitable dose of medication.
  • There are other symptoms like vomiting, poor feeding or a rash.
  • Your child is dehydrated.

Follow the discussed tips for baby health care when your little one has a fever. If that doesn't help, take him/her to the doctor right away.

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