Endomorphs are primarily characterized by their propensity to store fat, as well as a wider waistline and bigger bone structure, according to the book Integrative Approaches for Health. The professional says that endomorphs tend to gain weight more easily compared with ectomorphs and mesomorphs. Even when eating a similar diet as another body type, an endomorph will tend to hold on to more excess fat, Exercise Bike Manufacturer says.

In addition, this excess fat often deposits around the waist. “This visceral body fat hangs out around your organs and is related to insulin resistance,” says Marta Montenegro, a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and specialist in fitness nutrition in Miami. Insulin resistance is when your cells have trouble responding to the insulin that your pancreas pumps out, which ultimately affects your blood glucose levels, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. As Harvard Health Publishing notes, insulin resistance affects the way your body processes carbohydrates. Accordingly, proponents of the endomorph diet advise limiting these, especially highly processed, refined carbs, which contain little or no nutrition, says Montenegro. With more body fat, the thinking goes, you’ll also burn fewer calories compared with a naturally muscular body, like a mesomorph, adds professional.

All this means that you’ll have to keep a tighter watch on calories, the diet says. professionals suggests a higher protein intake (40 percent of calories per day), a good amount of fat (40 percent of calories per day), and a lower-carbohydrate diet (20 percent of calories per day), aiming for 1,300 to 1,500 calories per day to start. Maximize carbs and calories, and build volume by focusing on eating a lot of fiber-rich veggies. “These are the carbs that will keep you full,” says professional.

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