When it comes to face make up, let’s admit, a lot keeps changing. Right from trends to products, and from our own skin type to our preferences, the light is endless. But the fact remains that face make up, therefore, remains a complex area, and hence, requires us to keep pace by always trying on new products at a make up shop to arrive at the best glowing skin products, perfect pout lipsticks, and dramatic eye colours.

If upping your face make up game is one of your 2022 resolutions or for that matter, investing in promising face makeup brands such as Dot and Key products which is known for its products, well, read on. This quick guide will tell you the 3-step process you need to follow to arrive at face make up that is truly spot on.

Step #1 ­ Try face make up across brands and categories

 It can be tempting to take your friends on influencers’ words when it comes to the best face make up products and brands out there. However, we suggest you don’t. Because everyone’s face, skin, and expectations are different. Secondly, the way you wear your make up too might be different and impact the end effect. Hence, opt for free trials at leading online make up shops, which allow you to order free products basis your reward points. After all, you can only be certain about glowing skin care products when they give you one, isn’t it?

Step #2 Review face make up brands extensively

Don’t just settle for the first face make up product you try in a category or with a brand> Review multiple options by using them regularly at least for a couple of days; for instance, if Dot and Key products are on your mind, well, try them first. But make sure you compare them with products from other leading brands as well. This way, you will end up with face makeup products that aren’t just leading the market, but ideal for your skin type, make up needs, and so on. For instance, a glowing skin product from the brand popular amongst your friends may be great but when you review multiple options, you might discover it doesn’t work that well for you. On the other hand, a face makeup product that may not have much takers in your circle of friends might just do the trick for you to deliver dewy skin.

Step #3 Shop smart rather than fall for marketing gimmicks

It is all very well to be well-informed by recommended face make up rituals by experts. However, you are the best judge of your face make up needs. And hence, when buying from an online make up shop, make sure you play it smart; don’t just buy all the products at a go. Start with essentials, see how often you end up using them, and which ones turn out to be the best buys for your money, and then scale up if you need to.

For instance, do you really need to buy a bronzer and a blush at the same time?

Or would you rather opt for a bronzer during summer months and stock up on blushing later in winter?

Similarly, do you need to purchase eyelines in multiple shade all at once?

Or can you break them up, picking one every month so that you have a new buy without impacting budgets or getting overwhelmed by too much face makeup at your dressing table?

To sum it up, when it comes to face makeup, it is best not to rush in. Take your time to consider your options, and make purchases that will deliver you maximum value. You can also visit our online shopping cosmetic products store and browse through our collection.