Skin type is a factor that contributes to making your pores more noticeable. Some people do not like to have large pores. There are two types of pores, one is responsible for releasing sweat while the other is responsible for the natural oil release.

The pores which release oil become large over time. You may hear about getting rid of large pores, but it’s not true. A skin specialist in Islamabad revealed the fact that some treatments can help to shrink the large pores but there is no such treatment that can help to get rid of them permanently so far.

Many ways can help to reduce the appearance of the large pores, such as avoiding overexposure to the sun, etc.

Here are some beneficial tips that can help to minimize large pores.

You can make your skin look smooth by reducing the size of the pores. Pores also become clogged which can also affect your overall skin look. The following tips can help you get better skin.

Wash your face twice 

A skin care routine is important if you do want to keep your skin healthy. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria that can clog the pores. 

Experts suggest washing the face twice, in the morning and evening. If you play any sports, wash your face so that bacteria or sweating do not affect your skin. You need to choose a cleanser that is free of alcohol. 

We all need to be gentle to the skin. People who scrub and rub the skin are prone to skin rashes. Use a clean towel to pat your skin dry. Your face gets exposed to dirt and other environmental bacteria. Make sure that you do not leave your face with such dirt.


Every person knows their skin type. If you have oily skin, you need to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. Excess oil release like sebum can clog your pores and make them look large. Dead skin cells and dirt can also result in clogged pores.

You can exfoliate your skin with salicylic acid or mandelic acid. But you should consult with your doctor to get the right product according to your skin type.

Clay mask

A clay mask can help to remove additional oil from your skin pores. When you apply a clay mask, it absorbs sebum and clears your skin pores. It makes your skin pores less visible and your skin look smooth.

If you apply daily, it can irritate and lead to other skin issues. Make sure that you apply it only once or twice a week.

Wear sunscreen 

Harmful ultraviolet rays can affect your skin and make your skin pores appear large. You can choose a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. It depends on you what type of sunscreen you need as per your skin type. Doctors suggest avoiding going out during peak hours like 12 to 2 pm. Wear a hat or stay in the shade to protect your skin against sunlight.


It does not matter if you have oily skin, you still need an oil-free moisturizer. Your skin needs proper care to make less visible large pores. Wash your skin first and pat your skin dry. It will help to prevent clogged pores which will reduce the appearance.

Water-based products 

Make sure that you use water-based products. You can also read the ingredients of the products, such as containing honey, etc. if you have oily skin, you need to choose a makeup that does not contain any oil or petrolatum.

What Makes Your Skin Pores More Visible?

Enlarged skin pores make it difficult to make your skin look healthy. There are different reasons behind it. Let’s explore what causes enlarged pores.

No elasticity around the pores: when there is less amount of elasticity, it makes the skin less supple around your pores.

More hair follicle volume: at the end of the hair follicle become clogged due to high volume.

Excess sebum: when your sebaceous glands produce excess oil.

To keep your skin healthy, you should drink plenty of water to improve your overall complexion. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow.

Final thought 

 Microneedling is a skin treatment often recommended by dermatologists. You should consult with your doctor if you do not find any improvement in your skin.