Therefore, please guide me in the ways of RS gold Dungeoneering. How do I get tokens at a rapid pace and what are the most effective practices (and (un)written the rules) of participating in an organization and what is this thing called prestige?

BTW There's an error on the top... the Dugneon lawl. Prestige is something you can do when you've completed all your floors. Let's say I completed Floor 1 using Prestige 1. Prestige 1 is the name I used to complete one floor and then pressed"premium. Thus, I'll receive decent XP. However, if I were on the Floor 31 and I had Prestige 1 I'd be able to get lower XP.

Prestige, along with Floor are your primary rates of XP per dungeon you finish (then deaths, level-mods and so on. kick in). If you have completed 30 floors, you press your prestige to begin, then press prestige again and you complete floor 31. Your xp is likely to be in the vicinity of 100% due to the ratio between your prestige and the floor.

So, that's prestige. In a team, you need to always have the equivalent of the tool kit (whether bought or bound) and laws/cosmics or astrals in case you have additional or extra. Astrals can be used to treat poisons, and are therefore useful in abandoned 2/warped (abandoned are usually and rushed. CRUSH skeletons. Attack styles are a major part of dugneoneering.

SUBMIT a 2h sword (the the best you can get) and if you don't possess the smithing skills for it, go to the 'Dung Smith' FC. Once you've got the Shadow Silk Hood from a night spider, you can bind it also - up until you have the best tier platebody (again, 'Dung Smith FC)

Bind Law the runes you need until you find the Celestial surgebox (from high level Forgotten Mages. It's like a little silver box held in their free-hand). When you locate a surge box, make enough runes to cast 125 air surges. Place it in the boxand then bind it. Then, when you get the surgebox it will be able to make at least 125 air surges. This is all I've seen, if you have any questions PM me on Sals.

It appears that the combat aspect is making the game seem more like WoW..? It's not really a bad thing Imo. What I would enjoy is a dungeons system similar to WoW with a healer or buy OSRS gold tank, dps or dps. It's way too much. The EoC as it is is good enough to keep RS from its dead combat mechanics. You've probably never PvP'd...