Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a condition characterized by the overproduction of androgens in the ovaries. Androgens are usually present in women, but only in small amounts. The term polycystic comes from the small cysts that form in the ovary because of this condition. However, cysts aren’t universal as some women might develop them and some might not. Since women with PCOS have high levels of androgens, this messes up their menstrual cycle and can lead to PCOS symptoms.

What Causes PCOS?

There’s no clear reason for PCOS. Women could develop PCOS for different reasons. For instance, women with high insulin resistance are more likely to develop PCOS. That’s because the body can’t use the insulin very well, which leads to insulin buildup. That buildup can increase androgen levels. Obesity also has the same effect, so it can worsen PCOS symptoms. The condition also runs in families, so if a mother has PCOS, it’s likely that her daughter will develop the condition.

How is PCOS Treated?

There are several factors that determine the right course of treatment for every patient. Age, the severity of the symptoms, and the patient’s overall health are considered. And if the patient wants to get pregnant in the future, that also affects the treatment options possible. To treat the condition, though, you may try the following:

  • Change in diet and activity is recommended, mostly to help you lose weight. That will do a great deal in reducing your symptoms.
  • Medications that cause ovulation can be used.
  • Birth control pills. This is ideal only for those who don’t want to get pregnant.
  • Diabetes medication as this is used to lower insulin resistance.
  • Using vegan skincare can also help. Some skincare products contain harmful chemicals. With your PCOS, though, some of those ingredients might be even more harmful. You’ll want to try out vegan options or other PCOS beauty products that will work better for you. They might not seem all that important in the grand scheme of thing, but every little thing helps.

What are the Complications of PCOS?

If you aren’t careful and you let the condition worsen, you could develop serious health issues. You could end up with type 2 diabetes, have problems with your blood vessels and heart, or even suffer from uterine cancer. Women with PCOS have problems getting pregnant.

How to Live with PCOS?

There are different physical symptoms of PCOS. They include the following:

  • Weight gain. A diet is help in managing and reducing the symptoms. It also helps your body use up insulin with greater efficiency. By getting fit and healthy, you might also ovulate much better and with less pain and discomfort.
  • Hair growth in your legs, face, or armpits more than usual

Acne. There are cosmetic treatments that can help you fix some of these problems, especially with the acne. If PCOS is giving you breakouts, you can use vegan options or makeup that’s best for sensitive skin. That will prevent more breakouts in the future.