About 25-30% of Americans have neuropathy or will be affected at some point in their lives. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy affects people of all ages. However, older individuals are most likely to get neuropathy. 

More common neuropathy causes include diabetes, heavy alcohol use, high cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure. Neuropathy is eminent in 60-70% of people with diabetes. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this condition. However, there are natural ways to help manage the condition. 

Top Natural Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments

Although you cannot reverse this medical condition, it is possible to manage it. The cause of the disease helps to find a way to manage it. If it is diabetes, controlling it by maintaining a proper diet or exercising will slow down neuropathy.  

Neuropathy treatment is possible in many ways. Many people prefer taking the natural route because it’s a lifelong disease. Taking drugs for a long time may have adverse side effects on your body. So, natural remedies take the day in neuropathy management.

They include:


Some cases of peripheral neuropathy are a result of vitamin deficiencies. For example, Vitamin B is in charge of nerve health. A deficiency in Vitamin B causes nerve damage. Although you can get this vitamin from food, getting a supplement is not a bad idea. 

Others like Vitamin D can also prevent nerve pain. 

Cayenne Pepper 

This spice contains capsaicin, also found in hot peppers. Capsaicin is famous for making topical creams for pain relief. 

Adding cayenne pepper to your diet is an assured way of reducing neuropathic pain. If that is not enough, you can purchase these topical creams. Application on the affected areas might burn initially, but it gets better. 

Consult your doctor before you begin the application. 


A regular exercise regime is a form of neuropathy treatment as it helps manage pain. Besides, exercising helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Blood sugar levels can reduce significantly by staying active. 

Once you take care of your blood sugar levels, you reduce or slow down nerve damage. Through exercise, blood flows freely throughout your body. All this prevents pain and discomfort. 


Acupuncture is a famous healing method that promotes healing by stimulating pressure points in the body. This healing method triggers your nervous system to release chemicals, which reduce pain. Once your body attains an energy balance, you will relax and carry out daily activities properly. 


Such include alpha-lipoic acid, found in some foods. This antioxidant deals with nerve pain and reduces neuropathy symptoms in some people. 

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS is a therapy that doctors provide for neuropathic patients. This form of therapy prevents the pain signals from getting to your brain. TENS works by delivering tiny impulses (electrical) to nerve pathways. The doctor places electrodes on your skin that are responsible for this transmission.

TENS is painless and harmless to your body, but it doesn’t work for every kind of pain or everyone. 

Although diabetic neuropathy is frustrating and difficult, you are not alone. If it affects you emotionally or psychologically, consult a therapist. There are also support groups to assist with such conditions. One thing that is highly discouraged is failure to seek medical attention. When you see symptoms of neuropathy, consult a medical professional.