Non-return valve Manufacturers introduce the cause and countermeasures of the positioner's failure

common error

1) The failure of the positioner circuit board causes the valve to act abnormally.

2) The small spool valve is damaged or worn, which causes the valve to operate abnormally. The reason is that the cleanliness of the instrument air is not high, or there is dirt entering the positioner, which causes the small spool valve to wear and cause the valve to operate abnormally.

3) The damage of the positioner proportional valve causes the valve to act abnormally.

4) The damage of the sliding rheostat leads to the inaccurate positioning of the valve, which causes the valve to act abnormally. The main reason is that the ambient temperature is too high and other liquids such as water enter the rheostat.

5) The O-ring seal of the air source interface of the positioner is broken, causing the broken O-ring seal to jam the valve stem of the small spool valve, making it unable to move.

6) The seal of the positioner's glan head is not good, causing the circuit board of the positioner to be damaged by water.

7) Due to the excessive vibration of the pipeline, the high ambient temperature and the high humidity, the circuit board fails.

Cause countermeasures

1) The sealing problem at the Glan head causes water in the positioner to cause damage to the circuit board. Troubleshooting method: Improve the sealing performance of the Glen head, so as to avoid the circuit board damage caused by water entering inside the positioner.

2) Due to the high humidity and dust of the instrument air, the small slide valve enters the dirt and causes the small slide valve to wear, so that the valve action is abnormal. Troubleshooting: Add an air filter to improve instrument air quality.

3) The sliding rheostat and the circuit board are frequently damaged due to excessive ambient temperature, excessive humidity and excessive vibration. Troubleshooting method: separate the circuit board from the small slide valve and slide varistor to make a separate valve positioner.

4) Because the O-ring of the positioner is often broken, the stem of the small spool valve is stuck. The main reason is that the pressure of the air source is too large. It should be about 0.5MPa under normal conditions. When it is higher than 0.5MPa, the aging of the sealing ring will be accelerated. ,easily damaged. Troubleshooting method: keep the air pressure at 0.4MPa
In addition, a better quality sealing ring should be provided.

Through the above introduction, 2 Way Ball Valves/3 Way Ball Valves Company hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.