Cloud mining.

Miners, when connected to the cloud, speed up coin mining and earn money in the process. Services that rent out equipment around the world receive income from commissions and as rent, so theoretically everyone stays in the black.

The essence of mining remains the same. Any transaction in the blockchain is validated when it becomes part of it.

To do this, the new block has to be processed - this takes some time. This happens using certain capacities, sometimes combined into pools to increase the efficiency of processing new links in the chain.

Transactions are always processed in chronological order - as they arrive on the blockchain. It is impossible to undo a transaction.

The hardware processes the block, causing it to connect to the longest chain. Every distorted block is rejected, so blockchain fraud is eliminated. 

What is cloud mining like? 
Today, cloud mining technology involves dividing into several categories. Remote mining of coins by users can be implemented in different ways: 

Renting real-life farms. A user rents a ready-made configured farm or a whole server located in a certain data center.

Renting a virtual farm. In this case, the user pays for part of the farm, but needs to manually make the necessary settings to work.

Lease of computing power. The user rents a cloud that includes dozens or hundreds of farms (or small segments). 

By far the most popular variant of remote mining is the latter. But no matter which mining option you choose, you must have a good understanding of the software, such as alph.