A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is one of the most heartbreaking things to deal with, no matter when it happens. For an expecting mother and her family, things turn upside down, flooded with hundreds of emotions. In the majority of the cases, miscarriage occurs before 20 weeks affecting around 15 to 20 percent of women. But this is not just the end; instead, there are other times as well when miscarriages can happen. 

As per Dr. Elsa, a Specialist for Miscarriage in Dubai, there are different stages of pregnancy, increasing the risks of different types of miscarriages that happen to result in different symptoms. Whether you are the one expecting or the one planning to expect, it is important that you have knowledge about the consequences and the symptoms that can help you identify them. 

Read in details at : https://elsademenezes1801.medium.com/not-all-miscarriages-are-the-same-here-are-different-types-of-pregnancy-loss-that-happen-d9eff38de61e