Lost Ark players can begin getting better Lost Ark Gold at the Ark Pass starting today with the launch of the April Update. The Premium and Super Premium Passes will be accessible via the game's in-game store starting today, as well. These premium passes can be purchased through June 18, however progress can continue to be earned through July 14.

There are certainly some concerns regarding the new Ark Pass from Lost Ark players regarding the new Ark Pass. The introduction of additional commercialization to Lost Ark deserves to be looked at by players to determine whether this new method of monetization will change their experience in the game for the worst. In this situation, offering reward points in exchange for playing the game can reduce the impact.

This April's Update to Lost Ark is packed with many more features over and above the Ark Pass, of course. Additions include the Glaivier advanced class as well as The continent known as South Vern, the Feiton Powerpass and Express Mission events, new Premium offerings in the store, new daily rewards for log-ins, and much more. Expect further updates month to months through spring and summer.

Lost Ark is an MMORPG unlike any other. By taking gambles it has earned them some significant wins. That strategy also led to a few unfortunate misses.

The players who are regular gamers of best place to buy Lost Ark Gold MMORPGs typically know what to expect. A seasoned player of World of WarCraft can reliably access Elder Scrolls Online and they'll foresee how every system in the game function. However, Lost Ark is a different beast. It's all about crafting and questing it's made from a different cloth.