Entries in a distributed ledger can perform not only economic functions, but can also be used as units of account in individual digital projects.

According to their purpose, the following types of cryptocurrencies are distinguished:

Payment tokens. Used as a means of calculation.

Service tokens. Issued as a unit of account within a specific community (platform).
Exchange tokens. They are used as fuel for exchange operations, bringing additional bonuses, discounts and dividends to traders.

DeFi (deciphered from English - "decentralized finance").
App tokens (App Coins).
Tokens that cannot be exchanged.

Currency Coins
Digital coins perform an important function - they are used as a means of payment. This category of cryptocurrencies is called currency coins.

The most famous payment coins are BTC, BCH, XMR, XRP, LTC, DOGE, RVN and others.

Platform Coins
A separate class includes crypt types that ensure the entry of smart contracts into distributed platform registries. The list of these assets includes ETH, NEO, ATOM.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Internal coins of crypto exchanges

Crypto exchanges issue their own tokens that act as securities of the trading platform. Holders of these digital assets can receive:

Part of the profit that goes to the exchange to pay commissions for exchange transactions by clients.
The right to participate in the management of the site.
Discounts on commissions and fees.
Increased deposit and withdrawal limits.

In 2021, according to , BNB and CRO is the most popular exchange token and to properly get income from it you need to use only quality equipment such as https://woolypooly.com/en/calc/what-to-mine-gpu