Fildena  100mg for ED cure is a male enhancement supplement that comes in the form of a pill. Most men who take it feel an increased sensation in the head region (the region just above the head). The blood flow to this area is increased as well and this leads to more blood reaching the penis. Also, there is an increase in energy and stamina.

The entire process of Fildena 100 for ED cure involves two major components. First, the user is required to apply lubrication to the head. Next, an injection of a special substance takes place. This injection relaxes the blood vessels that supply the penile area and increases the blood flow to the penile region.

Once the injection takes place, you will see the effects almost immediately. You will feel an erection beginning. A very strong and sustained erection lasts from one to three hours. This duration can be enhanced further by giving yourself oral sex.

When the erection stops, you will notice a decrease in sexual stimulation. However, the sensation should not go to the extent of losing interest altogether. A strong and sustained drive is needed in order to achieve satisfaction. The penis will react to this by becoming soft again.

Like most medications, Fildena  has its own side effects. Some of them include increased blood pressure, heart rate, and palpitations. These reactions usually subside after a few days. There are also some minor changes in your sexual performance. You may find it hard to achieve an erection or achieve better sexual performance. It is also important to note that this method works only on blood vessel enlargement and not actual blood loss.

More Solution:

Fildena  50 

Fildena  150