Medicine has come a long way. New therapies and treatments are available thanks to medical science and technology advancements. One of these new therapies is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a form of regenerative medicine that utilizes your body’s blood cells to accelerate healing. This form of treatment is gaining popularity as its quite effective in treating various conditions. Here is a detailed look at why you should consider offering PRP injections at your practice. 

But first, what exactly is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is the liquid part of your blood enriched with platelets. These blood cells help with clotting and contain growth factors that help trigger cell reproduction and regeneration. Creating PRP requires taking a sample of a patient’s blood in PRP collection tubes, placing it in a centrifuge to separate the components and concentrating the platelets within the plasma. You then inject this plasma into the target area, such as an injured tendon. 

You can use PRP injections to treat tendon, muscle, joint and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis, hair loss, skin rejuvenation, and to help with post-surgical healing. The success of PRP therapy relies largely on how you prepare the PRP. With the right tools, such as PRP collection tubes, you ensure you get the right platelet concentration needed in a PRP solution.   

Benefits of using PRP injections

  1. It jumpstarts the body’s healing abilities.

A PRP injection is a great way to boost the body’s natural healing capabilities. Platelets help with clotting and stimulate cell growth and repair by secreting growth factors. These growth factors, in turn, trigger cell division, tissue regeneration and healing. PRP injections simply boost this natural process by increasing the number of platelets in the area needed. The high concentration of proteins and growth factors kickstart the body’s natural healing allowing for faster patient recovery. 

  1. The process is simple.

Getting started is relatively simple. All you need is the right equipment and a sample of a patient’s blood, and you are good to go. The entire process can take as little as half an hour, from getting the blood sample to creating the PRP and injecting it into the target area. Simply ensure you follow the safety protocols and procedures.   

  1. It’s non-invasive.

PRP therapy is non-invasive; the patient simply gets an injection at the target area, and you are done. There is normally very little need for surgery; however, this will depend on the condition you are using it for. This means PRP injections can help your patients avoid surgery. Take athletes, for instance; using PRP injections; they can heal ligament strains, shoulder injuries, acute muscle tears and more without having surgery. The non-invasive nature of PRP injection will attract more patients to this form of treatment.

That said, it’s important to inform your patients of this therapy’s rare but potential risks and side effects. These less common risks include bleeding, tissue damage, nerve injury and infection. But since you are injecting the patient with their own blood, the chances of these occurring are very low. 

The benefits PRP therapy offers are clear to both patients and service providers. By using platelet-enriched plasma to stimulate healing, there is a higher chance of recovery and increased patient satisfaction.