Lieutenant General Kurt Pitt. Supreme Commander of the British Empire in India. Lieutenant General Pete said with some dejection. Benny Joseph, Commander of the 116th Infantry Reinforcement Regiment, Major, and former British Defense Commander of Moradabad. Joseph's voice was not very loud, but he could barely hear it. Philip Johnson, Major General and Commander of the 62nd Infantry Division, Kordacherio. Johnson looked a little reluctant to admit defeat, and his face was full of unconvinced. Liu Changsheng heart thump thump, this happened too suddenly, so that he was at a loss for a while, originally thought to get a few lieutenant-colonel, major is good. I didn't expect to catch three big fish in one net. Even the British Supreme Commander in India was here. This time, I could add two more stars on my shoulders. "I have nothing to say as a loser, but I want to be treated with respect and humanity, and I want to see Commander-in-Chief Jiang Baili,CSD filling line, whom I admire, immediately," Pete said solemnly, trying to maintain a little of the last dignity of a British officer. "Yes, yes." Liu Changsheng said with a smile. He waved his hand to the soldiers around him and asked them to put down their guns. He said, "I'm afraid it's hard for you to see the commander-in-chief now,water filling machine, but I can take you to see Commander Tang." At this time, Tang Shengzhi was riding in a military car, like a gust of wind into Delhi, under the leadership of several soldiers, directly to the command center of the armored corps. Tang Shengzhi jumped out of the car and kicked open the gate of the headquarters. He shouted, "Chen Jitang, you bastard, get out of here. You're on your way without telling your brothers at night. You've stolen all the limelight from me!" But as soon as he entered the headquarters, he was surprised by the situation inside. Chen Jitang was sitting on a chair that was about to fall apart. His face was sallow. His once stiff military uniform was now in a mess. The cap on his head was upright, but the left side was burned. There was a pistol in his hand. His hand was on the pistol. When he saw the door being kicked open, he immediately raised the gun and aimed it at his temple. With a long sigh of relief, bottle blowing machine ,juice filling machine, he feebly put the gun back and smiled reluctantly at Tang Shengzhi, but it seemed that he had no strength to stand up. Old Chen, how the *** did you do this? Tang Shengzhi did not care to curse, rushed up and several guards together to help Chen Jitang up. Chen Jitang said with difficulty, "Old Tang, give me something to eat. I'm starving to death." Tang Shengzhi immediately took the dry food from the guard's hand. As soon as Chen Jitang saw the food, his eyes lit up and he grabbed it. He hurriedly stuffed it into his mouth. How ugly it was to eat. But his officers and men, like him, were all like hungry ghosts, putting whatever they could eat into their mouths. How long has it been since you've eaten? Eating like this is not afraid of affecting the image of senior officers in the Empire. Tang Shengzhi cursed, and when he saw Chen Jitang choking out of breath, he hurriedly handed him the kettle. Chen Jitang grabbed the kettle and poured it into his mouth. It took him a long time to recover. The food in his stomach restored his complexion. He raised his voice and said, "I haven't eaten for a few days."? I don't know what to eat since I've been in this ***ing place! If you come late again, I'll starve to death! Tang Shengzhi did not know whether to laugh or cry. He said, "How dare you blame me? You are too unrighteous. You are sneaking around and stealing the first prize. I really shouldn't have saved you and let you starve to death!" In fact, the Panzer Corps made outstanding achievements throughout the Indian War, capturing many important towns along the way, taking over Delhi directly, and then attracting all the main British forces to its side in urban warfare until the last shell and bullet were fired. The entire armored corps served as infantry with tanks. In a few days of defensive battles in Delhi, 82 people were killed and 279 wounded. More than 37,000 enemy troops were killed and injured with the powerful firepower of hundreds of tanks and machine guns. No inch of land was lost until the Dragon Army on the periphery completed its encirclement of the enemy, which was also a miracle in the history of imperial warfare! Wind and thunder surge three thousand miles chapter 697 brilliant results "By the way, more than half of my tanks have been destroyed by the bloody artillery fire of the British. Send a telegram to the rear to ask when my supplement will arrive." Now Chen Jitang's eating looks much better, and he asked as he ate. You want a tank? It would be nice not to have you court-martialed! As a senior commander, you don't know how to fight together. It's not a big sin to lead your armored legions to advance. Tang Shengzhi resisted the impulse to kick him: "But the commander-in-chief said that you are allowed to atone for your sins and render meritorious service, and this time the account will be settled after India is finished.". The 100 tanks that have been sent to you from home will arrive in Delhi tomorrow. Chen Jitang laughed loudly: "The commander-in-chief is enough. The domestic logistics supply is really great. As soon as the tanks arrive, I will continue to set out. I have to drive around India." "The Commander-in-Chief has ordered you to fight all the way to Bombay along the line of Kota and Duryea after your rest, and has given you the right to move freely, while six rapid mechanical supply groups will cooperate with you!" It seemed that Tang Shengzhi was very dissatisfied with the commander-in-chief's decision and muttered, "Commander-in-chief, this is too cheap for you!" "Ha ha!" Chen Jitang excitedly threw away the dry food in his hand and hugged Tang Shengzhi: "Lao Tzu's follow-up tanks set out as soon as they arrived. The commander-in-chief's decision was really wise!" "Go away!" Tang Shengzhi pushed him away, squinting his eyes and asked, "Can you start tomorrow like a bear now?" Chen Jitang laughed and turned his head to his subordinates. "Brothers, the commander-in-chief has ordered us to set out tomorrow to recover Bombay. Can you still move?" "No problem, the Panzer Corps is ready to fight at any time!" The panzers shouted back. While the two senior generals were laughing and playing, Liu Changsheng,Edible oil filling machine, commander of the 402nd regiment, came over with three British officers. Liu Changsheng held out his chest and swaggered like a hunter returning with a full load. Liu Changsheng, what are you doing here if you don't command the battle ahead? Tang Shengzhi said loudly.