Your NDIS plan is like a key that helps you access many doors. For this reason, you must understand why you need to view, download or share it. Whether it is your first plan as a beginner or working with a plan manager, gaining access is crucial. Luckily, there are various avenues where NDIS plan participants can view their plans. The NDIS participant portal and myplace make things easier. However, there are various steps to ensure your plan works accordingly. Here is a guide that will help you activate your NDIS plan and use the myplace portal.

Steps to Activate your NDIS Plan

Read and Understand Your Plan

After applying for NDIS and getting approval of your plan through email or mail, read and understand your plan supports. If you need assistance with interpreting your NDIS plan and understanding your support, call your NDIS representative. Your plan is effective from the date of approval, which is written on the front page of your plan. Therefore, thoroughly read the steps and use your NDIS plan immediately after you receive it to continue your support. After the approval of your NDIS plan, your existing funding ceases.

Go Online to the NDIS Participant Portal and View Your Plan

After reading and understanding your NDIS plan, you must visit your NDIS participant portal. 'Myplace' is a secure website that lets you view and manage your plan. The letter you received with your plan provides an activation code for accessing 'myplace.' You must have a myGov account to access the NDIS portal, which you will link to 'myplace.' Activate your account sooner because the lifespan of the activation code is only 10 days. You will have to contact your planner for assistance if you fail to use the code within the given period.

If you don't have a myGov account, follow these steps to create one.

  • Visit myGov account

  • Create an account

  • Click "Agree" to accept the terms of use

  • Provide your email address to receive the code

  • Input the code and contact number

  • Create a secure password, and your account will be active

You will use the newly created account to access the myGov account to link with 'myplace.'

Speak with a Pertinent NDIS Representative to Assist You Begin Using Your Plan

If you use a Local Area Coordinator (LAC), they will help you locate providers, access the myplace portal, and begin using your planner. If your planner of choice is the NDIA, a support coordinator will reach out to your after your plan is active. They will assist you in accessing the myplace portal, finding service providers, and getting service agreements. They should also provide continuous support for the NDIS.

Connect with Service Providers to Deliver your Supports

Once your plan is active and you have activated your account in the portal. You can call service providers to deliver your services. If you wish to proceed with your respective service provider, inform them that you have an approved NDIS plan. This information helps them set service agreements when applying for NDIS support. If you wish to change a service provider, there are many ways to find another.

Enter into Service Agreement with Service Providers

After choosing a provider, you must sign a service agreement to outline your support delivery. You will begin receiving your NDIS support after signing the service agreement. Your NDIS plan will be active for 12 months. Only when there is a notable change in your life at the moment shall you change your support.

Service Agreement and Why You Should Get One

A service agreement is between the participant and the service provider. It outlines how they will deliver as per your NDIS plan. It also describes the support you will receive, its cost, and how it should be paid.

Your choice of NDIS plan management affects the level of support you are eligible for. If you are requested to have plan management at your planning meeting, your plan manager can help you get started. A good plan manager will assist you, guide you in your NDIS plan, and advise on funding your plan. A support coordinator can help you utilize your plan while engaging more services.