The game was specifically intended to be a no-cost update. We were aware from the time we began designing Cataclysm that there was no way for WoTLK Gold us to divide our players into twoparts--those who bought the expansion, and those who didn't, and make them play totally different games. Everything directly relates to redoing content which already existed and players already were able to access--was stuff we thought we're going to offer it away and believe that we're continuing to create enough new content that it creates an appealing product that players will want to get to the market and purchase.

What impact do you believe The Shattering had on getting players to purchase Cataclysm?

I'd like to suggest the game was very significant but I'm not able to provide any evidence to prove it. I'm not sure who is purchasing Cataclysm, but I'm guessing that the majority of players are playing or who have participated in the sport. I'm guessing the latter. The Shattering definitely built up as a major event to discuss. We knew prior to the event that one thing it will do is bring out the nostalgia of playing World of Warcraft in the past...whether or whether it was played by someone who still subscribes in the present or someone who played the game before and had a blast but it felt like they'd been there, had done that...seen the whole thing. We thought it could bring back that kind of nostalgia for them also. We definitely felt it was a crucial aspect of the expansion, and a key element to the overall success of the project.

Cataclysm affects nearly all of Azeroth There was very little or no change in The Draenei or Blood Elf content. What was the thought process behind it?

Worgen are the second.

The answer is more than anything else it was a cost-effective decision. It isn't that many players are in this area, so it made a lil amount of sense making it over again. Additionally, the area had already been at a better standard than the older world because it was created to be played in Burning Crusade, with Burning Crusade methods and all the techniques we'd learned since launching the game the very first time. This means it was already better than the original content. Anyone who creates the brand new Blood Elf or Draenei, they're done when they reach level 10, and almost no one is returning to these areas any time soon. The content isn't current.

Therefore, in terms of bang-for-buck it didn't make any sense. We then try to explain the situation in terms of lore by explaining, "Well, you know that if there aren't any people there, then why should Deathwing be so eager to travel there to buy WoTLK Gold attack them?"There are a few more things. Deadmines, as well as Shadowfang Keep have been given new "heroic" versions. What's the reason for these two?