Family law cases can be among the most stressful for lawyers. That’s mainly because family law involves cases that tend to be adversarial. That’s usually the case when parties are engaged in a bitter divorce. If you’re hiring a family attorney, here’s what you can expect from your legal counsel. 

Prepares Documents for You 

Experienced family lawyers in Adelaide worth their salt will take steps to prepare their clients for legal proceedings. For instance, is mediation required in your case? If you and your partner can arrive at a settlement, you only need your solicitors to witness that and handle the rest. However, if you and your partner can’t come to an agreement, that’s when the property or asset division comes to court. You’ll need your attorney to negotiate on your behalf. A good lawyer will ensure that you get a fair settlement. 

Sends Regular Reports 

When you hire a lawyer, you can expect reports regarding your case. Most family lawyers in Adelaide will send you an update once a week or more frequently, depending on the developments of the case. Also, if you have any questions, your lawyer should send prompt replies or responses. If that isn’t the case, your lawyer may be too busy to give your case the attention it deserves. It may be in your best interests to hire someone else to handle your family law case. 

Talks About the Timetable 

Once the legal proceedings begin, you’ll need to know the timetables and deadlines. Failure to meet those deadlines can put your position at risk. That’s where your attorney comes in. Yours should manage the deadlines and your case, so your side can submit whatever documents are needed on time. Lack of documentation or missing a deadline could slow down the process or even put you in an unfavourable light. Given that, it’s essential that you choose a lawyer who can keep track of these deadlines and timetables. 

Offers Explanations 

Is there anything you don’t understand about the case? What about the legal terms and jargon? Don’t be afraid to ask your lawyer questions. However, to make sure you both don’t waste your time, make a list. That list should contain all the questions you want to ask, allowing you to cover plenty of ground. With a list, you won’t have to worry about forgetting an important question. Your lawyer can put your questions and worries to rest. 

Sends Monthly Bills 

Some lawyers send a monthly bill. Others might send you an invoice twice a month. Talk to your lawyer to determine the best arrangement for you and your legal counsel. 

Sends Copies of Filed Documents 

Make sure you have a copy of every document that your lawyer files. You should have a copy within 24 hours. If the document was filed during business hours, the copy should arrive at your desk within the same day. You should review everything all those documents before your lawyer files them. If you have any questions, your lawyer should be more than willing to answer them.