It can be distinguished composition and its contents. The most important component is milk fat and skim milk.


Fats can be regarded as the raw material. Its function is to give a smooth texture, taste and membei contribute to the synergistic effect on the extra flavor  Where to buy 4-CMC Crystal online that is used. In addition, the use of fat will beautify the appearance.


Currently, fats derived from milk can be replaced with plant-derived fats such as from oil, crops or any fat derived from soybeans. Not ice cream name if not sweet. So sugar is also a major component that serves as a sweetener as well as forming the texture of ice cream is smooth and soft.


Other materials that helped make this is sugar, emulsifiers, and stabilizers. This type of sugar that is often used is sucrose, work to improve the texture, increase viscosity, and gives a sweet taste. Stabilizer function to maintain water in the ice cream from freezing properly and reduce ice crystallization.


Emulsifiers used to improve the texture of ice cream which is a mixture of water and fat. Stabilizers are commonly used in the manufacture and other frozen dessert is CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose), gelatin, naalginat, carrageenan, gum arabic, and pectin.


Flavor is a combination of taste and smell, was created to satisfy consumer tastes. So that manufacturers use flavorings (flavor) to generate a certain flavor that consumers want.


Make your own is not too difficult, for those of you who like to cook or want to try the experiment, can try the following recipe



475 ml cream

125 ml, liquid milk (or even coconut milk)

4 eggs

100 ml sugar (preferably a powdered sugar)

1 teaspoon Vanilla



It's up to you (avocado, chocolate / strawberry, banana, etc.) Example: 1 piece avocado






Container of ice cream




Dough 1

Blend the avocado, then put into the pot. Enter the cream, milk / coconut milk. Entirely heated  Where to buy 4-CMC Crystal online slowly, stirring constantly. If it is hot (air bubbles start to rise), the pot down.


Dough 2

Eggs (yolk + white), sugar, and vanilla blended (shaken). Then poured into the pan containing the dough 1.


Everything is then heated again, continue stirring until thickened.


After the thick, poured into a container of ice cream (hamper or the like) is placed into the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.