You can find out when you are most likely to become pregnant over the next six months using Motherhood Hospitals Pregnancy Ovulation Calculator. It is one of the best Period and Ovulation Calendar calculators in India.


Simply update the first day of your last period and the typical length of your cycle (between 20 and 45 days) to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.


Motherhood hospital will make you an individual ovulation calendar that will show you exactly when you will be most fertile and when you are most likely to ovulate in the coming months.


How does ovulation work?


Ovulation is the point at which your ovaries discharge an egg every month. This typically occurs approximately two weeks before your period begins.


A fertilized egg is ready once it has been released. Sperm can remain inside your body for up to a week while you have sex, waiting for an egg to hatch. Therefore, having sex before and on the day of ovulation increases your chances of becoming pregnant.


How does the calculator for ovulation function?


About two weeks before their first period, most women ovulate. To figure out when your cycle will end and when you might ovulate, our calculator counts back two weeks. After that, it displays your entire fertile window—both the days leading up to ovulation and the day itself. If you're trying for a baby, this is the best time of the month to have sex.


Period and Ovulation Calendar calculators in India - Motherhood Hospital website


In addition, the ovulation calculator will show you all of your upcoming fertile days and, if you conceive, the due date for your baby. so that you can begin planning your pregnancy with all the information you need.


Remember: This tool assumes a regular menstrual cycle and only provides approximate dates. Based solely on this calendar, you may have difficulty determining your day of ovulation if your periods are irregular.


Period and Ovulation Calendar calculators in India - Motherhood Hospital website


How can one determine when one is most fertile?


In addition to the day itself, you will be fertile in the days leading up to ovulation. While our calculator will give you a good idea of when this might happen, you should also look for ovulation-related symptoms like:


Your first-thing-in-the-morning temperature is called your basal body temperature (BBT). The fact that many women experience a temperature increase shortly after ovulation may indicate that you have ovulated. Dive deeper into diagramming your BBT.


The most common form of natural vaginal discharge is cervical mucus or CM. The variety and surface can change consistently. Your cervical mucus may be clear and slippery, similar to raw egg white, around the time of ovulation. Examine the appearance of fertile cervical mucus.


Your cervix undergoes position and texture changes throughout the month. You might also be able to get some idea from this when you ovulate. The cervix is often described as short, high, open, and wet around ovulation.


Women may find it helpful to know when they are most likely to conceive. Predicting ovulation can also be used to avoid conception, but even women who are well-versed in their bodies' cycles can miss warning signs. Ovulation prediction isn't exact; rather, it weighs the odds and, at best, gives a good idea. Since there are no guarantees, the majority of ovulation predictors come with a disclaimer.