If you're looking to get a long lingering erection with Fildena 100Mg tablet, there are several things you need to know. Some of them are side effects, precautions to take, and long-term results.

Fildena 100Mg tablet is one of the most effective Treatment for erectile dysfunction. It helps men get long lasting erections in a short time. The drug works by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis.

Sildena citrate is the active ingredient of Fildena 100mg. In order to improve blood circulation in the penis, it inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5. Hence, it is helpful in treating erectile dysfunction.

Fildena 100Mg is a Viagra Pills for getting erections that last for up to four hours. It also improves sexual stimulation.

It is not recommended for women or children. It can also cause allergic reactions. So, make sure you consult your doctor before taking it. You may experience swelling of the face, hives, and throat. If you are allergic to any inactive ingredients of the drug, you should not take it.

Fildena is a safe and effective drug that has received excellent reviews around the world. You can buy it at an affordable price.

However, you should avoid taking it if you have other medical problems. For instance, you should not take it if you are pregnant, have liver or kidney diseases, or have low testosterone. Also, you should not take it if you have a history of cardiovascular disease.

Some men may have allergies to sildenafil. They may experience a swelling in the throat or tongue. Therefore, they should not take it with food or any other medication.

You should take your dose at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Although it takes a while for it to take effect, you will notice its positive effects after a few minutes.

However, you should not take this medicine if you are experiencing chest pain. Do not consume alcohol and take it with nitrates. These drugs have a strong effect on the heart. Lastly, you should not consume grapefruit. This fruit can elevate your Sildenafil levels.