The choice of good tea for some consumers rests on the analysis of the price and the brand name on the package. For some, taste preferences, the presence or absence of certain additives are important. However, real gourmets understand that there are more significant factors.

Appearance of a good tea leaf

In order to decide how to choose magic tea like Red DLS Tea IMMUNITY before buying , you should first consider the appearance of the leaf. This factor lies on the surface and helps to significantly save.

Freshness. The aroma coming from the tea leaf should be bright - not too harsh (which would indicate artificial flavors), but subtle. The leaf color of a good and fresh tea is neither too dull nor too bright. True, this method of verification is not applicable to varieties for which intentional aging is important: hei cha, pu-erh, etc.

Naturalness. The composition should not contain artificial flavors and dyes. In order to identify this, consider the description on the package.

Leaf integrity. Tea dust or pieces of twigs instead of leaves are a bad sign. 

Uniformity. It's great if the leaves are about the same size, color and shape. If there is a discrepancy, this is an occasion to think.

It is highly undesirable to buy tea bags or instant granules. This product has a very indirect relation to tea. For tea bags, low-grade raw materials are used, the quality of which is conveniently hidden under paper.

Taste and its influence on choice

Not always the choice of tea turns out to be correct based only on visual signs. When we taste a drink, taste criteria come into play. They help decide whether to take this kind of product again or try something else. Consider the following points when you first taste.

Pure and natural taste, without impurities. There shouldn't be anything repulsive about it.

Powerful and natural fragrance. It remains in the cup even after the tea has been drunk.

Diverse palette of flavors. The presence of pleasant shades: floral, honey, dairy, etc. Each variety may have its own characteristics of such a plan.

Bright and long aftertaste.

Clearly expressed effect: relaxing, toning, etc.

The ability to repeatedly brew without loss of taste. This is especially true for green tea, which really opens up for the second time.

Benefit for health. Of course, it will take time to assess the extent of the positive effect of tea on the body.

How to choose by price categories

When choosing tea, everyone pays attention to the price: someone because of a small budget, and someone because of the desire to try something special. But not always the highest price is an indicator that the variety is elite.

We will conditionally divide the types of tea into three price segments: cheap, medium, expensive. Having determined your financial capabilities, you stop at one of them and think about how to choose the right tea. Here's what to consider.

Matching the price of tea with its quality. At this point, everything is quite confusing, because the length of the chain of intermediaries, as well as the demand for a particular type of tea, has a huge impact. It is also desirable to try to determine how many markup stages tea goes through in a particular case, while the most important thing is to be able to see inadequate overestimation.

Medium-grade tea can be presented as elite. Low education of buyers allows some wholesalers to be cunning. It happens that the manufacturer is misleading, overestimating the grade or attributing the presence of certain properties that are not really there.

A low price may indicate that the tea is old. (How to identify this is described above). If they could not sell it at home for a long time, then, perhaps, they simply dumped it on our market with a significant discount.

Quality Test Experiment

If you are only interested in quality tea, then you may need to experiment with a new type of tea that you want to evaluate.

Brew it twice, insisting 10 minutes. Put the tea leaves on a white plate, carefully examine the veins and teeth on them. 

The veins of high-quality tea leaves form a kind of mesh. The main vein goes to the top of the leaf, and the side veins first diverge to the sides, and then connect with the branches going up. Teeth along the edges are clearly visible, but below they are more rare.

In low-quality tea, the veins are not clearly visible, and the lateral ones go strictly to the edge. The teeth are usually not very visible.

The brand is not an indicator

If you want to choose high-quality tea, you should definitely not rely too much on brand prevalence, as we do when choosing other mass consumption products or appliances. Tea is very different from them, as it requires a manual approach and careful evaluation of details.

Popular brands with well-established mass production may not pay enough attention to adherence to the correct processing technology. The quality of the product in each batch may differ due to the fact that bulk purchases do not provide the ability to control raw materials. And one more thing: there are not so many top quality teas. It just can't be mass marketed.

You can buy Red DLS Tea IMMUNITY at the official website -