Vegetable Planter can improve sowing efficiency, so do you know how to manage before and after sowing?  Let's look at it together.

There are two sowing methods: ① direct sowing: apply decomposed organic fertilizer 4-5T before sowing, plough the field with flat rake, ditch and drill, row spacing 20cm, thinning seedlings twice after emergence, set seedlings when 4-5 true leaves, plant spacing 15-20cm.  The amount of seed used is 0.5-0.8kg per mu.  (2) Nursery: Select loose and fertile soil as seedbed.  1.5-2.0T decomposed organic fertilizer is applied per mu as base fertilizer, the seed amount is 1.5-2.0kg per mu, and 5-8mu can be transplanted.  After sowing, water it or tread on the border surface with your feet.  After emergence, the seedlings are intercropped 2-3 times with a distance of about 4cm, and the seedlings can be planted with 5-6 true leaves.  Fertilization and row spacing before planting are equivalent to direct seeding.

  1. Fertilizer and water management Apply urea and other fertilizers 1-2 times before harvest, usually 5-10kg of urea per mu.  Top dressing shall be stopped 10 days before harvest.  Watering is generally combined with fertilization.  Water should be poured immediately after planting.
  2. Pest control is mainly to control aphids, which can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1000-2000 times or 5% malathion powder.  Conditional can use more than 25 mesh insect net for full coverage planting.
  3. The harvest time of Chinese cabbage is not strict, depending on climatic conditions and consumption habits.  From four or five leaf seedlings to growing plants can be harvested one after another.

The above is an introduction to the management of vegetable planters before and after sowing. Vegetable planters can improve production efficiency, and proper management of seedlings before and after sowing can improve yield.