Aurel Hesso creates epic visuals in his videos!
Aurel hesso is a passionate, self taught film maker and visionary. His passion and obsessive attention to detail for creating innovative work, impressive editing and sound. He has completed many projects for Tv-shows, artists, Influencers, brands, and many more.
His incredible vision, work ethic and talent combined with passion for travel he became a multi purposeful creative with over 4 years of experience in the creators world. Incredible workflow on editing skills, photos and videos.
Check instagram :- @aureel_fitx 90k
His work ranges high end luxury and Travel lifestyle, tourism companies, social media personalities, artist, tv show producers and many more .
His passion and obsessive attention to detail for creating innovative work only gets stronger as time passes. His proficient workflow, beautiful color gradings, impressive editing and sound, will leaves you excited to see the final product !
Email : [email protected]
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