Disagree to an extent. You could argue the"start over" point should any following quest and TWW should have been the finale of the 5th era. I can somewhat agree on that. But it marked the beginning of RS gold an almost entirely new story. The participant not-important can't be made by you. In vanilla OS everything from the grand scheme of things only happens due to the actions of the player. The player literally is the middle of everything that happens. Making a spectator's player not important, but more goes against everything vanilla quests have done. In fact, way back in the day was that the player was guthix him/herself for this player's reason being the center of everything.

I dont know this point...Zamorak started the god wars and literally had a power trip following zaros. On top of that, as being a entire douchebag like in RS3, whilst the personality of saradomin hasn't been demonstrated, he has always been at odds with zamorak; order vs chaos evil. The major gods have acted like children. Morally gray characters: cant argue with this one. Unless done well they are sometimes difficult. They hit the marked they dont. Every era started with major events or was marked by. The very first age began with the advent of guthix. The age started with his disappearance.

The next age with zaros which began the god wars' banishment. The fourth era by guthix's yield (the destruction of the whole continent of forinthry) along with the institution of the edicts, and also the fifth era by the discovery of runes (not rune ess w/ rune puzzles ). The death of guthix proved to be a important event in gielinor's history because it ruined the edicts that kept the remainder of the world. Quite. The lore has been intricate. You seemingly just have a mild understanding of the lore from the games, and because of that I find myself disagreeing with a good deal here.

To be honest, you have to have an extremely high IQ to understand RS3 lore. The writing is very subtle, and with no solid grasp of inter-planar magics most of the plot will go within a normal player's head. There Sliske's nihilistic perspective, which is - his personal philosophy draws heavily for example, from Narodnaya Volya literature. The true scapers understand this stuff; they possess the intellectual capability to truly enjoy the depths of these quests, so to realize they're not just interesting- they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike RS3 lore really ARE idiots- obviously they wouldn't appreciate, for example, the humor in Guthix's existential dying words"Player....Forget me" Which itself is a mysterious reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining among those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mod Ana's genius unfolds itself on their comupter screens.?? And yes by the way, I DO have a Sliske tattoo. And no, you can't see it. It's for the buy OSRS gold ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.