Jolly Designs ist ein junges Familienunternehmen mit Sitz in Königstein im Taunus, Deutschland, das sich auf hochwertige Quiet Books, Lernspielzeuge und Accessoires für Kinder spezialisiert hat.

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  • If you love you child then Understand more about the Quiet Book
    #Babygift, #babytoy, #quietbooks, #jollydesigns
    If you love you child then Understand more about the Quiet Book #Babygift, #babytoy, #quietbooks, #jollydesigns
    10 Gründe für den Kauf eines Quiet Books
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  • Kleiner Pilot – 6 Seiten Mini Quiet Book New
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    The Little Pilot Montessori toy takes little girls and boys from 3 years of age on an imaginative journey of discovery and specifically trains the fine motor development of preschool children and leaves plenty of scope for unique imaginations to tell great stories such as:

    Hurry up, we're going for a lap, says the little penguin and buckles up. Hum, we're off with our propeller plane. Once across the sea and back again! From above the world looks like a motley puzzle, don't you think so? And look, we can land there and pitch our tent for the night. I'm hungry! What is there for dinner?
    The Little Pilot Montessori toy takes little girls and boys from 3 years of age on an imaginative journey of discovery and specifically trains the fine motor development of preschool children and leaves plenty of scope for unique imaginations to tell great stories such as: Hurry up, we're going for a lap, says the little penguin and buckles up. Hum, we're off with our propeller plane. Once across the sea and back again! From above the world looks like a motley puzzle, don't you think so? And look, we can land there and pitch our tent for the night. I'm hungry! What is there for dinner?
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  • Kleiner Pilot – 6 Seiten Mini Quiet Book New
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    The Little Pilot Montessori toy takes little girls and boys from 3 years of age on an imaginative journey of discovery and specifically trains the fine motor development of preschool children and leaves plenty of scope for unique imaginations to tell great stories such as:

    Hurry up, we're going for a lap, says the little penguin and buckles up. Hum, we're off with our propeller plane. Once across the sea and back again! From above the world looks like a motley puzzle, don't you think so? And look, we can land there and pitch our tent for the night. I'm hungry! What is there for dinner?
    The Little Pilot Montessori toy takes little girls and boys from 3 years of age on an imaginative journey of discovery and specifically trains the fine motor development of preschool children and leaves plenty of scope for unique imaginations to tell great stories such as: Hurry up, we're going for a lap, says the little penguin and buckles up. Hum, we're off with our propeller plane. Once across the sea and back again! From above the world looks like a motley puzzle, don't you think so? And look, we can land there and pitch our tent for the night. I'm hungry! What is there for dinner?
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  • Rainbow - 6 Pages Mini Quiet Book New
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    Our Rainbow Quiet Book for babies is suitable from 6 months. Through the delicious strawberry on the cover of our Rainbow Quiet Book for babies, your child is guaranteed to keep busy for hours. The Rainbow Quiet Book for babies is designed with great pastel colours. It makes children's eyes light up and gives free rein to their imagination.

    The Rainbow Mini Quiet Book for babies uses pastel colours to playfully promote various motor activities such as

    Recognising and learning colours
    Sorting and naming shapes
    fine motor skills
    eye-hand coordination
    language development
    Vocabulary development
    Learning Velcro, button, press-stud and zip.
    Our Rainbow Quiet Book for babies is suitable from 6 months. Through the delicious strawberry on the cover of our Rainbow Quiet Book for babies, your child is guaranteed to keep busy for hours. The Rainbow Quiet Book for babies is designed with great pastel colours. It makes children's eyes light up and gives free rein to their imagination. The Rainbow Mini Quiet Book for babies uses pastel colours to playfully promote various motor activities such as Recognising and learning colours Sorting and naming shapes fine motor skills eye-hand coordination language development Vocabulary development Learning Velcro, button, press-stud and zip.
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  • Best Developmental Toys & Gifts for Babies 0-6 Months
    A magical baby toy Quiet Book with cute animals for the very youngest. Fine motor skills and dexterity are trained while the frog is being fed until it rumbles in its belly, the little fish hides in the whale's mouth and the lion opens and closes its eyes sleepily. Many loving details invite your child to explore them in the game. Clear colors and shapes create space for...
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  • Please Suggest Me. What is the best gift idea for my baby on her birthday?

    I have bought this

    Do you have any other idea? please suggest

    Please Suggest Me. What is the best gift idea for my baby on her birthday? I have bought this Do you have any other idea? please suggest
    Magischer Vogel - 6 Seiten Mini Quiet Book
    Magischer Vogel Quiet Book als Stoffbuch für Kleinkinder ist das perfekte Geschenk zum 2. Geburtstag. Es fördert mit wundervollen Farben motorische Fähigkeiten.Dieses Stoffbuch für Kleinkinder lässt allerlei Geschichten mit diesem wundervollen Quiet Book zum erzählen zu:Kiwitt, kiwitt, zwitschert unser Magischer Vogel aufgeregt, flattert mit den Flügeln und fliegt in hohem Bogen über Teich und Wiese, an der Hundehütte vorbei und einmal um den Bienenstock herum. Muh, sagt die Kuh und gähnt herzhaft. Ist es tatsächlich schon so spät?Allerhand ist los im Garten und auf der Weide. Unterm Regenbogen warten Fisch, Hund und Biene hungrig auf das erste Frühstück, während die Kuh schon längst dabei ist, sich die Zähne zu putzen. Ein liebevoll gestaltetes Quiet Book voll mit kleinen und großen Details zum Fädeln, Aufknöpfen, Drehen und Ziehen, die dazu einladen, von deinem Kind im Spiel ausgiebig erkundet zu werden. Klett- und Reißverschlüsse, Knöpfe, Kordeln und Magnete machen neugierig und fördern die Feinmotorik und Sinneswahrnehmung. Sogar eine niedliche Fingerpuppe ist dabei – der ideale Begleiter für all die Geschichten, auf die der Magischer Vogel nur darauf wartet, Seite für Seite zu erzählen.Eine spielerische und magische Entdeckungsreise durch dieses Stoffbuch für Kleinkinder, wie alle Bücher von Jolly Designs.Das Magischer Vogel Quiet Book Stoffbuch für Kleinkinder fördert folgende Schwerpunkte: Geschicklichkeit Auge-Hand-Koordination Feinmotorik Pinzettengriff Hand- und Handgelenkmotorik verschiedene Verschlüsse Tagesablauf Zahlenverständnis Grundrechenarten Farberkennung Formen zuordnen Wortschatzerweiterung Sprachentwicklung kreative Sprachförderung Magischer Vogel Quiet Book StoffbuchArtikelnummer: JD-QB-027 Altersempfehlung: 2 – 5 JahreMaße: 15 cm x 15 cmSeitenanzahl: 6 plus EinbandGewicht: 150g Magischer Vogel Test Report (EN 71)
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    Unsere Favoriten: 5 Montessori-Spielzeuge zur Förderung der Feinmotorik
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