Nepal Technical Manav
नमस्कार साथीहरु ! Nepal Technical Manav च्यानलमा तपाईहरुलाई स्वागत छ । यस च्यानलबाट हजुरले नेपाली भाषामै विभिन्न टेक्निकल कुराहरु र ट्रिक हरुको बारेमा भिडियोहरु हेर्न पाउनुहुने छ । हामीलाई Subscribe गरेर सपोर्ट र साथ दिनुहुनेछ भन्ने विश्वास गरेका छौ । केहि सल्लाह तथा सुझाब भएमा हामीलाई इमेल तथा म्यासेज गर्नुहोला ।
Hello Friends, Welcome to our channel 'Nepal Technical Manav'.
My aim to create this channel is to provide technological view on the different area like smartphone, computer, telecom and many more Videos which give you some knowledge and entertain you to provide different live, enjoyable Videos around the world mostly in Nepali language.
I will try to give my best knowledge about the technology and to display you most entertainment Videos
Friends if you are interested in the side which I have described please Subscribe my channel.
Myself: Manav Chaudhary

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