Simpurity CBD & CBG Hemp Extract Tinctures

Simpurity CBD & CBG Hemp Extract Tinctures are formulated with a potent full spectrum hemp extract derived from organically grown, pesticide and chemical-free hemp plants. Our premium formulations contain standardised amounts of all naturally occurring compounds found in the plant, with no unwanted artificial sweeteners. This all-natural extract can be used to benefit physical, mental, and emotional health for a wide range of uses. In comparison to other plant-based extracts, including THC, CBG has a mild flavour profile with no psychoactive effects.

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Simpurity CBD & CBG Hemp Extract Tinctures Simpurity CBD & CBG Hemp Extract Tinctures are formulated with a potent full spectrum hemp extract derived from organically grown, pesticide and chemical-free hemp plants. Our premium formulations contain standardised amounts of all naturally occurring compounds found in the plant, with no unwanted artificial sweeteners. This all-natural extract can be used to benefit physical, mental, and emotional health for a wide range of uses. In comparison to other plant-based extracts, including THC, CBG has a mild flavour profile with no psychoactive effects. To know more visit here:
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