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Best and cheap web hosting plans starting from only Rs.1399 per year. Only NRS.3.8/day, Isn't it cheap and amazing? Want to create a website? Use code JENISH15 for instant 15% OFF on Hosting Services.
Available Hosting Plans:
Shared Hosting @ रू. 1,399 /yr
Dedicated Hosting @ रू. 1,099 /mo
Reseller Hosting @ रू. 1,530 /mo.
Optimised WordPress Hosting @ रू. 1,799 /yr
VPS Hosting @ रू 1299 /mo
Super Fast, Reliable & Affordable WebHosting Plans. Hosting from #1 Hosting Brand of Nepal, Nest Nepal. Use the Coupon code JENISH15 for an additional 15% off on any Hosting Purchase.
Choose Best Hosting Technology for Best Website. Why choose slow Hosting plans if you can get fast Hosting plans at an affordable rate?
Don't waste money on Hosting, Utilize your money!
#esathi #nepal #best