• SYRIZA: All that remains is the €30m cost of the university police fiasco

    #notismitarakis #universitypolice #latestnews #grtimes
    "ND has for years chosen the path of tension and populism around the university police. In fact, in February 2021, Mr. Mitsotakis had told the Parliament that "the police do not enter the schools, the Democracy enters". We are waiting for the government to tell us if today "democracy is emerging" from the universities", he comments and concludes "Ultimately, all that remains is the cost of 30 million euros for a fiasco, at a time when there are serious deficiencies in the EKAB and every day our fellow human beings lose their lives helpless." Read More: https://www.grtimes.gr/politiki/syriza-to-mono-poy-menei-einai-to-kostos
    SYRIZA: All that remains is the €30m cost of the university police fiasco #notismitarakis #universitypolice #latestnews #grtimes "ND has for years chosen the path of tension and populism around the university police. In fact, in February 2021, Mr. Mitsotakis had told the Parliament that "the police do not enter the schools, the Democracy enters". We are waiting for the government to tell us if today "democracy is emerging" from the universities", he comments and concludes "Ultimately, all that remains is the cost of 30 million euros for a fiasco, at a time when there are serious deficiencies in the EKAB and every day our fellow human beings lose their lives helpless." Read More: https://www.grtimes.gr/politiki/syriza-to-mono-poy-menei-einai-to-kostos
    ΣΥΡΙΖΑ: Το μόνο που μένει είναι το κόστος των 30 εκατ. ευρώ για το φιάσκο της πανεπιστημιακής αστυνομίας - GRTimes.gr
    «Ο υπουργός Προστασίας του Πολίτη κ. Μηταράκης προανήγγειλε σήμερα την κατάργηση της πανεπιστημιακής αστυνομίας, που
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  • Arta: Heat stroke the cause of the infant's death - He stayed in the car for almost 8 hours (VIDEO)

    #arta #greece #Latestnews #grtimes #heatstroke
    According to the forensic report that became known after the autopsy procedure, The hours that followed for the child were dramatic, since the temperature from 20 degrees Celsius prevailed outside, At noon on Saturday (13/5) the funeral of the unfortunate infant, 5.5 months old, The local community, as well as the whole of Greece, is shocked by the case, with the first elements of the forensic report coming to light. Read more: https://www.grtimes.gr/ellada/arta-thermoplixia-i-aitia-thanatoy-toy-vrefoys-emeine
    Arta: Heat stroke the cause of the infant's death - He stayed in the car for almost 8 hours (VIDEO) #arta #greece #Latestnews #grtimes #heatstroke According to the forensic report that became known after the autopsy procedure, The hours that followed for the child were dramatic, since the temperature from 20 degrees Celsius prevailed outside, At noon on Saturday (13/5) the funeral of the unfortunate infant, 5.5 months old, The local community, as well as the whole of Greece, is shocked by the case, with the first elements of the forensic report coming to light. Read more: https://www.grtimes.gr/ellada/arta-thermoplixia-i-aitia-thanatoy-toy-vrefoys-emeine
    Άρτα: Θερμοπληξία η αιτία θανάτου του βρέφους - Έμειν&e
    Από έλλειψη οξυγόνου και θερμοπληξία πέθανε το 5,5 μηνών βρέφος που για περίπου 8 ώρες έμεινε μέσα στο αυτοκίνητο ξεχασμένο από τον πατέρα του.
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  • The 617 beaches in Greece with a "Blue Flag" - Halkidiki is the champion

    #greece #blueflag #champion #latestnews #grtimes
    The Prefecture of Chalkidiki emerged first in Greece, with 94 flags. The International Commission awarded a total of 4,212 beaches, 710 marinas, and 120 tourist boats around the world. As far as the Prefecture of Thessaloniki is concerned, 13 beaches were awarded the "Blue Flag" and they mainly concern the municipality of Volvi and the municipality of Thermaikos. Read more news visit: https://www.grtimes.gr/simantika/oi-617-paralies-stin-ellada-me-galazia-simaia
    The 617 beaches in Greece with a "Blue Flag" - Halkidiki is the champion #greece #blueflag #champion #latestnews #grtimes The Prefecture of Chalkidiki emerged first in Greece, with 94 flags. The International Commission awarded a total of 4,212 beaches, 710 marinas, and 120 tourist boats around the world. As far as the Prefecture of Thessaloniki is concerned, 13 beaches were awarded the "Blue Flag" and they mainly concern the municipality of Volvi and the municipality of Thermaikos. Read more news visit: https://www.grtimes.gr/simantika/oi-617-paralies-stin-ellada-me-galazia-simaia
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  • ईडी ने केरल में मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस पर छापा मारा

    #banking #keral #latestnews #arthparkash
    प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) केरल के मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस में गैर-बैंकिंग वित्तीय कंपनी (एनबीएफसी) पर भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक की मंजूरी के बिना जनता से धन एकत्र करने के आरोप में छापेमारी कर रहा है। बुधवार को कंपनी के प्रमोटर और बिजनेस के परिसरों में छापेमारी की जा रही है। मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस भारत में एक प्रसिद्ध एनबीएफसी है, जो सोना, माइक्रोफाइनेंस और आवास ऋण सहित कई प्रकार की वित्तीय सेवाएं प्रदान करता है। कंपनी, जो तीन दशकों से अधिक समय से संचालन में है, की दक्षिण भारत में महत्वपूर्ण उपस्थिति है। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/ed-raids-manapuram-finance-in-kerala
    ईडी ने केरल में मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस पर छापा मारा #banking #keral #latestnews #arthparkash प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) केरल के मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस में गैर-बैंकिंग वित्तीय कंपनी (एनबीएफसी) पर भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक की मंजूरी के बिना जनता से धन एकत्र करने के आरोप में छापेमारी कर रहा है। बुधवार को कंपनी के प्रमोटर और बिजनेस के परिसरों में छापेमारी की जा रही है। मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस भारत में एक प्रसिद्ध एनबीएफसी है, जो सोना, माइक्रोफाइनेंस और आवास ऋण सहित कई प्रकार की वित्तीय सेवाएं प्रदान करता है। कंपनी, जो तीन दशकों से अधिक समय से संचालन में है, की दक्षिण भारत में महत्वपूर्ण उपस्थिति है। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/ed-raids-manapuram-finance-in-kerala
    ईडी ने केरल में मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस पर छापा मारा
    ED raids Manapuram Finance in Kerala- प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) केरल के मन्नापुरम फाइनेंस में गैर-बैंकिंग वित्तीय कंपनी (एनबीएफसी)…
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  • अगर आपका बच्चा भी ले रहा है Byju's से कोचिंग तो आपके के लिए जरूरी है ये खबर, पढ़ें क्या है पूरा मामला

    #byjus #coaching #arthparkash #latestnews #bangluru
    प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने विदेशी मुद्रा प्रबंधन अधिनियम (फेमा) के प्रावधानों के तहत बेंगलुरु में रवींद्रन बायजू और उनकी कंपनी 'थिंक एंड लर्न प्राइवेट लिमिटेड' के तीन परिसरों में तलाशी और जब्ती अभियान चलाया। इस बीच बायजू की कानूनी टीम के प्रवक्ता ने कहा कि प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) के अधिकारियों का बैंगलोर में उनके एक कार्यालय का दौरा, फेमा के तहत एक नियमित पूछताछ से संबंधित है। प्रवक्ता ने कहा, हम भारत और दुनिया भर में अपने ग्राहकों को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले शैक्षिक उत्पाद और सेवाएं देने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/ed-raids-byjus-premises
    अगर आपका बच्चा भी ले रहा है Byju's से कोचिंग तो आपके के लिए जरूरी है ये खबर, पढ़ें क्या है पूरा मामला #byjus #coaching #arthparkash #latestnews #bangluru प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने विदेशी मुद्रा प्रबंधन अधिनियम (फेमा) के प्रावधानों के तहत बेंगलुरु में रवींद्रन बायजू और उनकी कंपनी 'थिंक एंड लर्न प्राइवेट लिमिटेड' के तीन परिसरों में तलाशी और जब्ती अभियान चलाया। इस बीच बायजू की कानूनी टीम के प्रवक्ता ने कहा कि प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) के अधिकारियों का बैंगलोर में उनके एक कार्यालय का दौरा, फेमा के तहत एक नियमित पूछताछ से संबंधित है। प्रवक्ता ने कहा, हम भारत और दुनिया भर में अपने ग्राहकों को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले शैक्षिक उत्पाद और सेवाएं देने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/ed-raids-byjus-premises
    अगर आपका बच्चा भी ले रहा है Byju's से कोचिंग तो आपके के लिए जरूरी है ये खबर, पढ़ें क्या है पूरा मामला
    ED raids Byju's premises- प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने विदेशी मुद्रा प्रबंधन अधिनियम (फेमा) के प्रावधानों के तहत बेंगलुरु…
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  • अतीक और अशरफ की हत्या के बाद हरिद्वार में अलर्ट, यूपी से सटी सभी सीमाओं पर चेकिंग अभियान

    #atikahmad #ashraf #upnews # murder #atikashrafmurder #latestnews
    शनिवार की रात प्रयागराज में माफिया अतीक अहमद व उसके भाई की हत्या के बाद उत्‍तराखंड में पुलिस अलर्ट मोड में है। हरिद्वार जिले में भी पुलिस को अलर्ट किया गया है। मामले की संवेदनशीलता को देखते हुए जिले के बुग्गावाला, काली नदी चेक पोस्ट, नारसन बॉर्डर पर भारी पुलिस बल की तैनाती की गई है। शनिवार देर रात उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रयागराज में अतीक अहमद और अशरफ़ की मेडिकल कॉलेज के पास गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गयी। हत्‍या में पकड़े गए तीनों आरोपित अलग-अलग मामलों में पहले जेल जा चुके हैं। माफिया के वकील विजय मिश्र ने कहा कि घटना मेरे सामने हुई है। अतीक व अशरफ को मेडिकल चेकअप के लिए मोतीलाल नेहरू मंडलीय चिकित्सालय लाया गया था। पुलिस की गाड़ी से उतर कर दस कदम चले थे कि उनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया गया। दोनों को बहुत करीब से गोली मारी गई। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/alert-in-haridwar-after-the-murder-of-atiq-and-ashraf
    अतीक और अशरफ की हत्या के बाद हरिद्वार में अलर्ट, यूपी से सटी सभी सीमाओं पर चेकिंग अभियान #atikahmad #ashraf #upnews # murder #atikashrafmurder #latestnews शनिवार की रात प्रयागराज में माफिया अतीक अहमद व उसके भाई की हत्या के बाद उत्‍तराखंड में पुलिस अलर्ट मोड में है। हरिद्वार जिले में भी पुलिस को अलर्ट किया गया है। मामले की संवेदनशीलता को देखते हुए जिले के बुग्गावाला, काली नदी चेक पोस्ट, नारसन बॉर्डर पर भारी पुलिस बल की तैनाती की गई है। शनिवार देर रात उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रयागराज में अतीक अहमद और अशरफ़ की मेडिकल कॉलेज के पास गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गयी। हत्‍या में पकड़े गए तीनों आरोपित अलग-अलग मामलों में पहले जेल जा चुके हैं। माफिया के वकील विजय मिश्र ने कहा कि घटना मेरे सामने हुई है। अतीक व अशरफ को मेडिकल चेकअप के लिए मोतीलाल नेहरू मंडलीय चिकित्सालय लाया गया था। पुलिस की गाड़ी से उतर कर दस कदम चले थे कि उनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया गया। दोनों को बहुत करीब से गोली मारी गई। Read more news visit; https://www.arthparkash.com/alert-in-haridwar-after-the-murder-of-atiq-and-ashraf
    अतीक और अशरफ की हत्या के बाद हरिद्वार में अलर्ट, यूपी से सटी सभी सीमाओं पर चेकिंग अभियान
    रुड़की: Atiq Ahmed Murder: शनिवार की रात प्रयागराज में माफिया अतीक अहमद व उसके भाई की हत्या के बाद उत्‍तराखंड…
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  • Hitman Holla Biography- Relationship, Career, Profession And Much More

    #hitmanholla #biography #relationship #career #latestnews Hitman Holla, the famous rapper who was born on 29th March, 1988 is known for his unique and amazing style of rapping. The couple had a loving relationship and they even move in together and lived with each other for a long time. Not only this, but they also ran a Youtube channel together. The real name of the famous rapper is Gerald Fulton, his songs have an energetic vibe to them. Not only this, he had released many famous albums like Control Da Room, What They On, Sucka For, and much more. Read more...
    Hitman Holla Biography- Relationship, Career, Profession And Much More #hitmanholla #biography #relationship #career #latestnews Hitman Holla, the famous rapper who was born on 29th March, 1988 is known for his unique and amazing style of rapping. The couple had a loving relationship and they even move in together and lived with each other for a long time. Not only this, but they also ran a Youtube channel together. The real name of the famous rapper is Gerald Fulton, his songs have an energetic vibe to them. Not only this, he had released many famous albums like Control Da Room, What They On, Sucka For, and much more. Read more... https://www.apzoblog.com/hitman-holla-biography/
    Hitman Holla Biography- Relationship, Career, Profession And Much More
    Hitman Holla, the famous rapper who was born on 29th March, 1988 is known for his unique and amazing style of rapping. Read more about Hitman Holla.
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  • Brooke Daniells Biography, Height, Family, Age, Net Worth & Latest Updates

    #brookedaniells #biography #family #latestnews #blezingheadline
    Brooke Daniells was born in Tomball, Texas, USA on 30 June 1986 to a Christian family. When Brooke Daniells was young, she became interested in pictures when her father became an accomplished photographer. US Citizen Holders Brooke Daniells spent most of her youth in the States with her mother, father, and siblings. Brooke Daniells’s Family includes her parents, Valerie Chachere Daniells and Micheal. She was raised in her hometown by her siblings Michael and Cassady. Brooke Daniells is a divorced woman but now shares a love affair with American film and television artist Catherine Bell. Read more...
    Brooke Daniells Biography, Height, Family, Age, Net Worth & Latest Updates #brookedaniells #biography #family #latestnews #blezingheadline Brooke Daniells was born in Tomball, Texas, USA on 30 June 1986 to a Christian family. When Brooke Daniells was young, she became interested in pictures when her father became an accomplished photographer. US Citizen Holders Brooke Daniells spent most of her youth in the States with her mother, father, and siblings. Brooke Daniells’s Family includes her parents, Valerie Chachere Daniells and Micheal. She was raised in her hometown by her siblings Michael and Cassady. Brooke Daniells is a divorced woman but now shares a love affair with American film and television artist Catherine Bell. Read more... https://blazingheadline.com/brooke-daniells-biography/
    Brooke Daniells Biography, Height, Family, Age, Net Worth
    Brooke Daniells is an American actress, author, model, and photographer who has a net wealth of $2.05 million. Read this blog for all about Brooke Daniells.
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  • Monica Huldt Biography – Uncovering the struggle story of your favorite Only Fans star

    #monikahuldt #biography #monicastrugglestory #latestnews Monica Huldt a name you might be associating with 6 figure income, lavish lifestyle and interviews about how to make money through social media. Or were you lured to look for her after coming across flattering pictures of Monica Huldt flooding on the internet? The Polish- American glamor model is bound to make you lose your wits with her beauty. And if that is not enough, she is also a successful entrepreneur. Monica Huldt is catholic by religion and American by Nationality. Her zodiac sign is Libra. Monica’s O- level education was done at Begaskilan Eslov High School and then she graduated with a degree in history. Read more...
    Monica Huldt Biography – Uncovering the struggle story of your favorite Only Fans star #monikahuldt #biography #monicastrugglestory #latestnews Monica Huldt a name you might be associating with 6 figure income, lavish lifestyle and interviews about how to make money through social media. Or were you lured to look for her after coming across flattering pictures of Monica Huldt flooding on the internet? The Polish- American glamor model is bound to make you lose your wits with her beauty. And if that is not enough, she is also a successful entrepreneur. Monica Huldt is catholic by religion and American by Nationality. Her zodiac sign is Libra. Monica’s O- level education was done at Begaskilan Eslov High School and then she graduated with a degree in history. Read more... https://blazingheadline.com/monica-huldt-biography/
    Monica Huldt Biography - Uncovering the struggle story of your favorite Only Fans star
    Monica Huldt a name you might be associating with 6 figure income, lavish lifestyle and interviews about how to make money through social media. Read more about Monica Huldt.
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  • Miriam Amirault Archeologist Age, Instagram Pictures- Curse Of Oak Island

    #miriamamirault #Biography #archaeologist #latestnews #blezingheadline

    Miriam Amirault is an archaeologist with a degree in archeology from UNB. She was last seen as a cameo in The Curse of Oak Island. Although she doesn’t have a big role in the documentary reality TV show, she has attracted quite a few eyeballs after her appearance in the series. The reality TV star is an explorer who looks like a confident young girl with a strong personality. In 2017, she shared her first-ever archaeological research in Cuba. Read more...
    Miriam Amirault Archeologist Age, Instagram Pictures- Curse Of Oak Island #miriamamirault #Biography #archaeologist #latestnews #blezingheadline Miriam Amirault is an archaeologist with a degree in archeology from UNB. She was last seen as a cameo in The Curse of Oak Island. Although she doesn’t have a big role in the documentary reality TV show, she has attracted quite a few eyeballs after her appearance in the series. The reality TV star is an explorer who looks like a confident young girl with a strong personality. In 2017, she shared her first-ever archaeological research in Cuba. Read more... https://blazingheadline.com/miriam-amirault-archeologist-biography/
    Miriam Amirault Archeologist Age, Instagram Pictures- Curse Of Oak Island
    Miriam Amirault is an archaeologist with a degree in archeology from UNB. She was last seen as a cameo in The Curse of Oak Island. Read More for Miriam Amirault Archeologist.
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