Some time ago I wrote an article titled " How I Built a Fiverr Side Hustle for $3,000 a Month ". In this post, I shared my journey as a freelancer trading on the fiverr platform. Since the publication of this post, many of the people I shared it with have been asking for advice on how to start their own side job... so I decided to write this, an attempt at a step by step guide for beginners to get started as a freelancer on fiverr.

For some background, I have been selling copywriting services on fiverr for the last 1.5 years. It's my side hustle and I've gotten to the point where my hourly rate is consistently over $150 an hour, in total I've made just over $30,900 from the start. It was a great way to increase my income without spending hundreds of hours every month and I think almost anyone else can do it.

Create a Fiverr profile and post your first gig

Step 1 : Once you know what you want to list for sale on fiverr, you need to create your profile. It's so important to take the time to make your profile look amazing. Your profile picture, description, skills you list - all of these need to be carefully thought out and written down to give buyers the best first impression. I recommend using your profile picture, filling out the description with information about yourself, your past experience and the skills you can offer them, and adding relevant skills and experience to the profile.

Many buyers rush through this and because of this they do not receive as many orders as they would like. Your profile is sometimes the first place buyers decide to hire you or not, this is SUPER important. Below is a link to a playlist I created on YouTube where I review and give tips and suggestions to help people improve their fiverr profiles (completely free). If you need help with this, check out this list and I'll be happy to help.

YouTube Video Support : Fiverr Profile Tips/Reviews

Step 2 : After you have created a professional profile, you need to create and publish your first gig. Make sure the Fiverr gig image size requirement clean and has a modern design as well. Just like with your fiverr profile, in order for people to actually buy it, it's important that your presentation looks professional and free of errors. I recommend that you create a professional looking concert thumbnail that is both informative and beautiful. Include 2-3 samples of your best work (if applicable) in the gallery section to showcase your skills. And write a speech description that will help sell your services (including: what the speech includes, your experience, and why they should choose you).

Here are some videos that will walk you through the different steps of creating a solid fiverr gig on your own. If you're struggling with design, you can hire someone on fiverr to help you with that.

Increasing the performance experience and getting the first order
Step 1. Increase the number of impressions at concerts

The most common thing I hear from new sellers is that it's been a few weeks or a few months and they still haven't received orders. Almost 100% of new sellers are in this situation and it sucks, but you can fix it!

The misconception of many sellers is that after you create your profile and performance, you just leave it alone and let the orders come in.

NOT RIGHT! Once you've created your first gig, you'll need to keep an eye on it to see if it really generates interest. If it's being watched but people just aren't buying, your prices may be too high, or you're just getting ahead of your competitors.

But if your performance is not generating interest, and the number of impressions and views is low, you may want to consider changing your gig to affect its visibility on fiverr searches. If you're unfamiliar with SEO, that's exactly what I'm talking about, and it definitely applies to fiverr just as it does to sites trying to rank high on Google.

The first thing I think you should do when trying to change your gigs to improve their SEO is to search for keywords related to your gig and look at other top sellers' gig titles and descriptions. Try to figure out what keywords they include and how they've formatted their gig descriptions, use that to create a unique gig description for yourself following a similar structure. Here is a link that shows you exactly how to do it.