Duratia 30 mg (dapoxetine) for premature ejaculation is an affordable option for men who have tried almost everything else but to no avail. Duratia 30 is a highly potent antidepressant that produces immediate effects. This includes the slowing down of blood pressure and heart rate. It also reduces the feelings of anxiety and embarrassment. Duratia 30 mg (dapoxetine) works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, which has a profound effect on sexual functions.

Dapoxetine (trade name Duratia) is an antidepressant that helps to control ejaculatory activity and delay orgasm for males suffering from premature ejaculation. The active ingredient in Duratia is dapoxetine, which is obtained from herbal plants. Dapoxetine is also known as antipsychotic medicine. It is approved by the FDA and is proven clinically effective in the treatment of premature males.

Duratia 90 mg tablet contains no chemical substance found this tablet. Common side effects associated with some antidepressants include nausea, anxiety, and blurred vision. But with the addition of sildenafil citrate, you can be sure that there will be no side effects at all. If you drink alcohol, make sure that you keep this type of medication away from your drink. If you do take alcohol, talk with your doctor to find out if this would be a good option for you.