The basis of a good term paper is to apply the right scientific method to the subject. How to choose the right one for you out of the many ways of working with information? About all the subtleties of writing and design methodology in the term paper tell us in the article.

The scientific method is distinguished by 5 obligatory signs:

Objectivity - subjective interpretation of the results is not allowed. For example, when observing the behavior of birds can not be guided by their preferences and take into account only those birds whose colors are brightly colored. Everything that depends on human mind and will must be discarded.

Reproducibility means that all results obtained by different researchers, in different laboratories, on different instruments, on the same objects must be relatively close to each other, fit into a single system. Thus, if once the seeds using the new fertilizer sprouted three days earlier, then the next times under the same conditions they should germinate for the same period, with a small margin of error. Otherwise the experiment will be unreproducible and therefore unscientific.

Heuristic is the name given to the ability to discover new knowledge. For example, an experiment always tests some hypothesis, which is proved or disproved. In either case, the result of testing will be new information.

Necessity - science does not tolerate redundancy, unnecessary and unnecessary actions. If knowledge is already known and verified, there is no need to do it again. For example, there is no need to measure anew and calculate the specific heat capacity of substances, it can be found from the table.

Concreteness - the chosen method of research must solve a specific problem. For example, when studying the chemical composition of apples, it will be superfluous to check their ability to sink in water - this property has no effect on the previous one.

The main theoretical ways of working with the material include: induction, deduction, modeling, analogy, generalization, abstraction, synthesis, classification, comparison, literature study.

What they have in common is that they focus on processing, evaluating, and explaining facts and are essentially thought operations.