Who Can Use Erectile Dysfunction Test Kit?

Men who are over the age of 18 might have the below:

  • Have some of the symptoms of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Have been taking ED solution and further wish to know more about the underlying cause of impotence issue in men
  • Have tried ED medication like Filagra 25 mg and it did not work or they might not eventually like it


The pill Filagra 25 mg is a great Sildenafil Citrate composition that helps men to lead best lovemaking session. This pill helps men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer session of making love. Never consume the pill in excess for safe and effective outcomes. This pill helps men to have great flow of blood in the penile region.


What Happens After Getting The Results?

Once the outcomes are all available (in 2 to 3 days after being received for the lab), our doctors shall review all of them keenly on consumption of Filagra 25 mg pill.


One of the doctors shall simply contact you from the lab outcomes test, via a secure and confidential message to the patient account, and also, they will let you know about the results and give you advice and support on what can be done next or if consumption like Filagra 25 mg can help.


In some of the cases, the doctor might also need well to ask for more information concerning the same. They might also ask to contact you by phone, hence, be sure about the telephone number is up to date on your online account.


Medication For Erectile Dysfunction

Filagra 25 mg pill composed of Sildenafil Citrate helps in attaining and sustaining a stiffer penile erection for longer lovemaking sessions. The medication works well over rough penile conditions by boosting up the flow of blood in the penile region. ED medication Filagra 25 mg is to be consumed orally as prescribed by the doctor. Do not consume the pill in excess or it shall lead to severe side effects which might need medical assistance.


The solution for ED is available in various forms and dosages which are to be consumed as per the penile health condition. Never take the pill over safe and effective outcomes. Medicine for ED works only when it is consumed in presence of complete sexual arousal. The solution does the job well by allowing stiffer penile erection for longer lovemaking sessions.