The Counter Strike Global Offensive community is huge, every day thousands of newcomers come to the game who want to both just have fun and get into eSports. For all this, a beginner needs to learn a lot of things, with which thematic forums and sites can help him. You will learn about one of these today.

The main difference of this site from others lies in the variety and quality of content. On this site, all the information is updated with each CS:GO patch, not only useful, but also entertaining articles appear, don't you believe it? Then check for yourself on the site 1 Lag.

The site was created not so long ago, but already has a huge number of guides and its popularity is growing every day. Eye-pleasing design, interesting constantly updated content, a memorable name, all this is on the 1lag website. And now it’s worth talking about the knowledge necessary for a beginner.

A phrase that even some experienced CS:GO players don't know about. Launch options are extremely useful. For example, a player wanted to find the optimal config for himself (configuration parameters, which include mouse sensitivity, aim, etc.) and in order not to drag each config into the game files separately, he can write the command +exec name.cfg, where instead of name you must write your name (it is recommended to name the config files in Latin).

Or another case in which the resolution of the monitor does not match the resolution of the game, as a result of which the player cannot enter the settings, in which case it is necessary to apply the launch options -w and -h before starting, where w is the monitor width and h is the height.

In addition to these settings, you can change the mouse sensitivity, execute a console command when the game starts, and even increase or decrease the number of CPU cores used by the game.

You can learn more about all these and many other launch options in the Launch Options section. This feature will make your CS:GO game incredibly easy and will be the first step on your way to the top.

 Ranks in CS:GO
Matchmaking in Counter Strike: Global Offensive is based on two criteria: the ability to play (or skill) and the title. The ability to play speaks for itself, you need to know the cards, be able to shoot from various types of weapons, help your comrades, etc. But with ranks everything is more interesting, there are 18 ranks in total in the game, the lowest is Silver I, and the highest is Global Elite.

However, if you entered CS:GO for the first time, then you will not have a title at all, since to get it you need to win 10 matches in matchmaking, however, you may not get the very first title, but, for example, 3 or even 4, depending on performance in the game. If a player has already received a rank higher than the first, if he loses, he can be demoted in rank, regardless of where he was in the team.

In addition to matchmaking, titles can be obtained in two more modes: Teammates and Dangerous Zone. In Partners, the ranks are no different from matchmaking, and the developers added separate ranks to the Forbidden Zone, there are 15 of them, where the lowest is Lab Rat I, and the highest is Howling Leader.

Getting a rank in the Forbidden Zone is different, because it's a battle royale, all you have to do is win. You can learn more about how ranks work in CS:GO and how to raise them on the 1lag website.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is part of a cult series of games that is only getting more popular every year and will remain so even after the release of the next parts of the series, because it will forever remain in our hearts.