Water scarcity is one of the major challenges faced by any apartment complex during the hot summer days. This will lead to dependency on water tankers which will increase each resident's monthly expenditure high. And the water quality may not be that great. So, what you need is a way to deal with water scarcity and reap benefits by saving a lot of water. These tips can be implemented throughout the year and not just on summer days.


Fix the Leaks

Fixing the leakages as soon as possible and maintaining water pumping systems regularly to avoid any leakages is the best way to save a lot of water. Leaks are inevitable but they need to be dealt with sooner. There can be leakages in pumps, borewells and tanks. These areas need to be checked regularly. Even the leakages happening in individual homes should be taken care of immediately. An ideal apartment by reputed builders will always take quick action to prevent leaks.


Water Recycling

Recycled water can be used for landscaping and to flush toilets. These water recycling initiatives will reduce water bills drastically. By investing in quality water treatment and recycling facilities in your apartment complex, the recycled water can be used for even drinking. This water will be purer than the water provided by water tankers.


Install Water Flow Reducers

Water flow reducers can reduce the flow of water and reduce the water needed for any purpose. This has the ability to reduce water usage by a heavy margin. You can use these water flow reducers throughout the year or just during the summer days. If you can adjust the flow to a medium level it will be best.


Installing water spray on all the taps is another way to reduce water consumption. This will reduce the wider flow of water and provide a limit to the flow.


Involve Everyone

To deal with water scarcity, the staff and residents of the apartment complex should stand together. Sessions should be held to educate the ways to save water and to make them all understand the importance of minimal water usage. Also, make sure the apartment complex manager and caregiver know and follow every water conservation principle. Also, publish the monthly water expense to make all the residents more conscious of their actions if the bills are rising and to encourage them if the water bills are coming down.


Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a great way to save rainwater which will otherwise get absorbed by the soil. This will help you save water that falls on the roof of the apartments and can be collected in storage tanks. This promotes water conservation and mitigates flooding. This is cost-effective, easy to implement and requires less maintenance.


Water Metering

Setting water meters for individual homes is the most important tool to make people understand how much water they are spending and will give them the challenge to reduce the water they consume. Introducing individual water metering will show a noticeable reduction in water consumption.