A brand consists of a considerable number of elements. And since marketing tends to structure all processes, the brand pyramid is a good example of such structuring. It has the whole essence of the brand in the palm of your hand, from the foundation to the crown.

The brand pyramid: the essence

The visualization of information about the brand, for which the pyramid shape turned out to be the most suitable, received this name. Key values ​​are organized in the model. It clearly shows the place and significance of each of the components, the relationship between the elements. The structure is simple, logical, clear. If you are interested in usa people search, follow the link to find out more.

The brand pyramid is a material for internal use, it is not intended for consumers, but their opinion and vision is a mandatory component of some levels.

The value of the pyramid model

Only at the beginning, it seems that the diagram is just another picture that will gather dust, be forgotten in a folder somewhere on a shelf, or get lost in the bowels of a hard drive. In fact, the pyramid of brand values ​​is weighty. The importance of the image is not only in the visual layout of components that is convenient for the team. In addition, the model:

  • defines the basics of the brand;
  • sets a single direction of movement in the company, unites employees with one goal;
  • reveals differences from other brands;
  • is a useful tool for developing a marketing and communication strategy.

Architecture of the model

They are building a pyramid - as it should be - from the base to the top. The classic model consists of five parts, these are the levels of the brand pyramid:

  1. Features and attributes. The first level is the foundation of the building. Shows what the product is for, how exactly it solves the problems of the target audience, how it is beneficial to the consumer, what is the specific advantage that competitors do not have. A unique bargainoffer has. To learn more about boddy find people, follow the link.
  2. Functional advantages. The level contains tangible, rational aspects. Explains the reason for which the consumer uses the product. Identifies a real customer problem that the product solves. And shows the results obtained after use. Examples are saving time, increasing productivity, making work easier, and more.
  3. Emotional benefits. In addition to functionality, the consumer is looking for positive emotions that he will feel when using the product. The client's emotional connection with the brand is important - it ensures loyalty. Joy, happiness, pacification are typical positive emotions that every brand strives to evoke.
  4. Image (positioning). This level shows a kind of "I" - the "personality" of the brand. Description of the method, values, methods of strengthening values. To some extent, the qualities of the brand are humanized, for example, care, sincerity, and purposefulness are attributed to it.
  5. Idea (essence). The main value is the consumer's thoughts and associations about the brand. A powerful link, wrapped in a few words, is similar to a sloganbutit is not: a slogan for the consumer, the essence for the company. Here is the brand pyramid, an example of which is Nike. The slogan is Just Do It. But here is the idea that occupies the upper level of the model - Authentic Athlete Performance.