Perfect Diary is a domestic mass brand that focuses on beauty products. There are many popular products under this brand, and lipstick is one of the more popular products. But for some people who have never used Perfect Diary, they don’t know the quality of perfect diary slim lipstick. Let’s introduce what perfect diary slim lipstick is like.
As the light of our domestic products, Perfect Diary has always been in the leading position in the sales of lipsticks among domestic products, but some people have doubts about Perfect Diary lipsticks, so how about Perfect Diary lipsticks, how about Perfect Diary lipsticks, let’s take a look !
The market share of perfect diary slim lipstick is still very high, mainly because the price of perfect diary slim lipstick is really cheap. Many students will choose Perfect Diary lipstick when buying lipstick. The biggest advantage of perfect diary slim lipstick is that the color is very positive. Compared with the big-name lipsticks of the same color, the color of Perfect Diary lipstick is not inferior at all, and the color may be even better. Therefore, many girls may have several Perfect Diary lipsticks in their cosmetic bags, and it is the Perfect Diary that allows more people to achieve lipstick freedom.
The lipstick of Perfect Diary is cheap, and occasionally there are some flaws in the quality. For example, many users think that the lipstick of Perfect Diary lipstick is too dry, and it will make the lips very dry when applied without lip balm, and the final effect is presented It's not very good either, so it looks good with a lip balm color. However, although the perfect diary lipstick has some shortcomings, most people still like the perfect diary lipstick, because its outer packaging is tall and the color is also loved by everyone, it is still very good.
The lipstick of Perfect Diary is generally very easy to use. Its color saturation is relatively high and its texture is very moisturizing. Usually, it will not dry out. The most important thing is that it is cheap and cost-effective. For It is also acceptable for the student party, but it should be reminded that there are many colors of Perfect Diary lipsticks, and when choosing, you must carefully combine your personal skin color, so as to enhance your personal complexion.
1. Small pink diamond C03
Small pink diamond C03 is relatively light in color, very cute and lively, extremely white apple red, the effect is amazing after application, and it will give people a sense of aura.
2. G02 ripe peach color
G02 ripe peach color is a lipstick with a relatively tender color. It will give people a lovely fairy feeling after applying it on the lips. Even applying this color without makeup is very suitable.
3. G07 deep water red
G07 deep water red is a color that is very suitable for summer. It belongs to the earthy orange color in the pink tone, and there is no sticky feeling after application.
4. G08 blood orange
G08 blood orange is a color used in the backstage of fashion week. White skin will look whiter when it is used, while yellow skin will immediately turn white when used. After smearing, it looks like a dried persimmon red color.
5. G03 Wooden Rose
G03 Wooden Rose is a particularly temperamental color. Its texture is water-mist, and it won't give people any heaviness.
From the above content, we can know that the lipstick of Perfect Diary is very good, but when choosing the color of lipstick, it must be combined with personal skin color. Because of different skin tones, the lipsticks that are suitable for use are not the same. Therefore, it is recommended that when buying lipstick, try to go to a physical store to try on the color, so that you can better choose the lipstick number that suits you.