Internal medicine pearland doctors diagnose the patients experiencing symptoms and treat them with the best possible care. They also help patients achieve a preventive plan when they are at risk of disease.

Internists receive extensive medical training that lasts several years. After completing these training, internists get qualified and become specialists in internal medicine.

Women’s health care

A good primary care physician can be your best friend when it comes to preventing and treating medical conditions before they become serious problems. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that we offer a variety of services to meet your needs. From routine wellness visits to chronic disease management, we have you covered. Our Pearland doctors are highly trained in a wide range of health disciplines and are ready to help you find the right solution for your unique situation.

We are proud to offer the latest in telemedicine technologies to make your life easier. Our physicians are equipped to deliver a full complement of clinical services to your home, office or hospital setting. Our doctors are also happy to work with your insurance provider on your behalf to make sure you get the most out of your coverage. The team at SIMCARE PLLC Pearland looks forward to partnering with you to provide the very best in health and wellness.

For more information about the many healthcare services we offer, please call our offices today.

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries that affect the muscles and ligaments in the body. They usually occur when you twist or fall. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and being unable to move the injured area.

Most people have experienced a sprain or strain at one point in their lives. They happen more often when you exercise, play sports, or do activities that put stress on the joints and muscles.

A sprain is an injury to a ligament, tissue that connects bone to bone in joints. You may get a sprain when you fall or twist your ankle or wrist, or when you are hit by a ball during contact sports.

You can also get a strain when a muscle or tendon is stretched too much and tears. Strains are most common in the back and hamstring muscles.

Both sprains and strains can be treated by resting the injured area, icing it, wearing a bandage or device that compresses it, and taking medicines. In some cases, a doctor might recommend physical therapy.

The best way to determine if you have a sprain or strain is to see your general practitioner. A physician who specializes in internal medicine can help you understand the symptoms and treat them effectively.

If your doctor thinks you have a sprain or a strain, they may advise an X-ray to check the damage and make sure it doesn’t involve bones. If your doctor suspects that the damage is more serious, they may also refer you to an MRI for more advanced testing.

Sprains and strains are two of the most common musculoskeletal injuries in the United States. They account for the most doctor visits among all types of injuries.


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very real and very dangerous medical condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, stroke and kidney failure among other things. Luckily, there are many ways to keep your blood pressure in check, including diet and exercise. In addition, there are medications to reduce your blood pressure levels and a handful of other tools and tricks to help you keep your blood pumping.

Our pearland based internal medicine doctors have years of experience in diagnosing and treating patients of all ages. They are a group of professionals who pride themselves on establishing long-lasting relationships with their patients. The best part is that they are all very knowledgeable about a wide range of medical topics and treatments.

If you are interested in a cutting edge approach to your health, schedule a visit with our team today. We’ll show you the best way to boost your quality of life and stay healthy for years to come.

Our office is located on Shadow Creek Parkway, just west of Highway 288 (South Freeway) in Pearland.


Allergies are an overreaction by your body’s immune system to harmless substances, which cause a variety of symptoms. They may be triggered by pollen, dust, certain foods or medication.

Your immune system is a collection of cells and chemicals that protects your body from harmful invaders, like bacteria and viruses. It also works to keep you healthy by releasing chemicals that fight infection and help control your temperature.

When your immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign substance as something dangerous, it makes antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These IgE antibodies attack the allergen and trigger a series of reactions that can include skin rashes, a runny nose or itchy eyes.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can occur in any part of the body, but are most common in the nose, throat, ears, sinuses, or lungs. They can be mild, severe or even life-threatening.

It is not known exactly why some people are more susceptible to allergies than others. However, it is likely that genetics plays a role. Often, allergies can run in families.

Allergies can be managed with proper treatment and avoidance of the substances that trigger your symptoms. It is important to see a healthcare provider if you have trouble with allergies so they can identify your triggers and prescribe medications that work for you.

At SIMCARE PLLC Pearland, we have several internal medicine doctors who are experts in this field and can provide you with the best care possible. We can also refer you to specialists if you need help finding the right treatments for your condition. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you and your family stay healthy!


Asthma is a chronic (ongoing) lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. It’s triggered by things that irritate your airways, such as allergens and chemicals. You may also have asthma if you smoke or have a family history of allergies or respiratory diseases.

Symptoms include coughing that won’t stop and wheezing when you breathe. They can be more severe at certain times, such as before going to sleep or during an asthma attack.

Healthcare providers use a variety of tools to diagnose and treat asthma. These include spirometry, an inhaler test and allergy tests.

Triggers for asthma can include dust mites, pet dander and mold. Other triggers are hot or cold air, air pollution and exercise.

Some people develop asthma as a child. They are more likely to have it if they have a family history of the condition, and if their immune system isn’t fully developed.

Other triggers for asthma can include strong chemicals, cigarette smoke and some types of air pollution. Exposure to these can also increase your risk of developing a more serious condition called COPD.

When you have an asthma attack, your muscles around your airways tighten and make your airways narrow. This narrowing prevents air from getting in and out of your lungs.

Your asthma symptoms may be different between attacks, so it’s important to visit your doctor often. He or she can prescribe medicines to help control your asthma.

A healthcare provider can also give you medicine to relieve your symptoms if they don’t respond to regular treatment. These medications are called bronchodilators.

Some of these medicines, such as a long-acting beta-agonist, may need to be taken more than once a day. This type of medicine works quickly to open your airways and relieve symptoms. It’s used for both intermittent and chronic asthma.