After booking a flight, most airlines allow passengers to choose their seats during the check-in process. Delta Airlines Seat Selection You can either do this online or at the airport.If you prefer to choose your seat online, you can usually do so by visiting the airline's website and logging into your account. From there, you should be able to access your itinerary and select your seat preference.Alternatively, you can usually choose your seat when you check in at the airport. You can either do this at a self-service kiosk or at the check-in counter. If you have any specific seating requests, such as needing a window or aisle seat, it's a good idea to arrive early at the airport to ensure that you have the best chance of getting the seat you want.

It's important to note that some airlines charge additional fees for certain types of seats, such as seats with extra legroom or seats in a preferred location on the plane. If you're interested in these types of seats, make sure to check the airline's website for more information on pricing and availability.


Can you pick your seats on Delta?

Yes, Delta Air Lines allows passengers to select their seats when booking a flight or during the check-in process. You can choose your seats online by logging into your Delta account and accessing your itinerary. You can also choose your seats when checking in for your flight at the airport using the self-service kiosks or at the Delta check-in counter.

Delta also offers the option to purchase preferred seats, such as seats with extra legroom or seats located closer to the front of the plane. These seats may come with an additional fee depending on the specific route and availability.

If you have any specific seating preferences or requirements, such as needing a window or aisle seat, you can indicate this during the seat selection process. Delta will do its best to accommodate your request, but please note that seating assignments are subject to availability and may not always be guaranteed.