RuneScape has been growing significantly from its web-based predecessors in recent years , with Steamforged's board game as the most recent effort from Jagex. In an interview, multiple Jagex employees discussed transitioning the mobile version of RuneScape into Buy RS Gold a cross-platform release and, last September.

Jagex joined forces with the developer of the cult Old School RuneScape mod RuneLite HD to make the HD version available for players of all ages. Steamforged's new board game will provide the RuneScape community with a new opportunity to explore Gielinor's world Gielinor and design their own adventures.

Runescape developer Jagex's publishing division has picked up a promising indie title for Jagex Partners. Jagex Partners Label, making Melvor Idle an indie now. The idler game, which is similar to games such as Clicker Heroes or Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, was released on buying runescape gold Steam last year and wears its inspirations from Jagex's most popular game Runescape very proudly.