To create a rich HTML signature on, you don't need any HTML coding knowledge. In order to add a signature to each of your outgoing emails:

Visit Settings (the gear icon).

This is the inbox for
Select Check out every Outlook setting.

seeing the options on the website.
Choose Mail from the Options dialog box.

accessing's Mail settings page.
Decide on Compose and Reply.

using to create an email signature.
Enter the text for your email signature in the designated text box.'s email signature feature lets you add text and images.
Align paragraphs, add a font color, alter fonts, create links, and add images using the formatting toolbar's capabilities.

Select the option that reads, "Automatically include my signature on new messages that I compose" to add the signature to each new email (recommended).

Choose the checkbox next to Automatically include my signature on messages I forward or reply to to add your signature to communications you forward or reply to.

The signature can be manually added to a message before you send it if you prefer not to have it added automatically to new messages.

Close the Settings dialog box after selecting Save.

By selecting New message, you can test your new signature.

a fresh email with a brand-new email signature made in
If you decided to automatically add signatures to new communications, your new signature shows in the message. gmail