Today’s young adults are spending their earnings on experiences and not on things — which is the exact opposite of what previous generations did at the same age. Students today have a lot of expenses, but they don’t have much disposable income to cover those costs.

A student savings account, like NBK’s Al Shabab Package in Kuwait, can help them accumulate money for future expenses. These accounts come with unique benefits for students that most other financial institutions don’t offer. Here are a few reasons why you should open a student savings account today:

Pay for Classes and Living Costs

Some parents bear all their kids’ expenses while they’re still under the roof. Others expect their kids to be independent and self-sufficient as soon as they can drive themselves to school. Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, your student might need to pay for some things out of pocket. This might include tuition, books, transportation, food, and housing.

A student savings account can help cover these costs. For example, if you contribute a small amount every month to your child’s student savings account, it will have a decent corpus in it for the end of the school year. This can go a long way toward paying for books, tuition, or living costs like rent or a car payment.

Earn Interest on Your Money

Some financial institutions offer limited-time offers that allow you to earn interest on your money. This is good because the rates are usually higher than the standard rates on savings accounts. Students often have a hard time finding places to open a traditional savings account because they have limited or no experience handling money.

A student savings account allows you to earn interest on your money and gain experience managing it. This can be helpful when you graduate and need to open a standard savings account. You can continue earning interest on your money without having to find a new place to put it. Your student savings account can become a standard savings account at any time.

Build Good Habits

One of the best practices you can do while you’re in school is to build good savings habits. This can help you manage your daily finances and maintain a healthy lifestyle when you graduate. You might not know what the future holds, but it’s safe to assume that you’ll need money at some point in your life. Having a student savings account will make it easier for you to save for unforeseen expenses. You might want to go for the Al Shabab package in Kuwait if you’re 13-24 years old. Shabab package in Kuwait is a type of student savings account which comes with a host of benefits like a prepaid card, great benefits like heavy discounts and exclusive experiences, and an accessible account opening process.

Help Manage Risk and Uncertainty

Student savings accounts can help you manage risk by reducing your dependence on a single source of income. They can also help you manage uncertainty by giving you a place to store money in case you need it at some point.

For example, your child might earn money babysitting or doing odd jobs. This money can go into the student savings account, so your child doesn’t spend it. You might also have additional sources of income, like a part-time job or gifts from family members.

Track and Manage Your Money

Most banks offer free online tracking tools that make it easier to manage your money. These tools are like virtual cheque books, allowing you to see how much money you have in your account at any given time. They can also help you set goals, track your progress, and manage your money more efficiently. Some banks allow you to make deposits and withdrawals from your student savings account via a mobile app. This makes it easier to transfer money when you need to — like when you need to pay rent or buy books.

It Can Earn You Cash Back and Rewards

Some financial institutions offer student savings account holders rewards and cash back. This can help you earn money while you have your student savings account open. Rewards and cashback can change periodically, so you should make sure to check the terms of the account to see what’s available.


These are a few reasons why you should start a student savings account. It will help you save money while you’re in school so you can afford the expenses that come with being a student. You can earn interest on your money, help manage risk and uncertainty, track and manage your money, and earn cash back and rewards. Accounts like teh Al Shabab Package in Kuwait can be the ideal start to your journey towards financial independence.