From what WoTLK Classic Gold we could tell, random matches will dump you into a random map, but when you're setting up a friend match, you've got tons of customization options. In addition to map choice, you can control the type of terrain and weather conditions (which can have relevant gameplay effects), the amount of starting money and the amount of income you'll get from cities, the number of turns the match will last, and so on. There's even a random weather option that literally changes the weather with each turn, so you never know what extra obstacle you'll have to contend with. We played one multiplayer match in which it seemed like we kept getting hit with snow every other turn, which severely limited our units' movement range and prevented us from capturing some key cities, ultimately costing us the match.

In case you get tired of the included maps, you can just make your own.

Once you tire of the numerous included maps, there's a full stylus-driven map editor in here that lets you create a map to your specifications. You can paint the map with specific kinds of terrain and obstacles, add units where you want, and even change the colors of your commanding officers. After you complete a map that conforms to certain requirements--it can't be more than 10x10 in size, and you have to have completed it yourself, for instance--you can upload it to the game's map c, where it will be categorized and added to the map rotation. When you get the itch for a new battlefield, you can select "random map" to have the map c send you any old map, or you can also browse recommended maps to receive the highest-rated ones only. Of course, you buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold can trade maps with your friends directly if you have their friend codes.