You may not wish for your loved ones to face financial difficulties after death. That is why obtaining AARP life insurance will be a wonderful alternative for financially supporting your family in your absence. Unfortunately, most people need to be aware of the AARP's premium for life insurance, which causes them to be hesitant to get coverage. AARP costs an average of $156 per month for $100,000 coverage. This fee will vary according to age, health condition, gender, coverage quantity, and insurance type. Here's all you need to know about AARP life insurance prices.

How much does AARP life insurance cost per month?

AARP life insurance costs vary according to age, gender, health, and coverage level. There is no predetermined monthly premium because the person establishes the cost. To understand the precise cost of life insurance coverage, obtaining an estimate from AARP is better. Here are the different prices for this insurance according to the kind of coverage:

  • AARP Level Benefit Term Life Insurance

AARP term life insurance is accessible to members aged 50 to 74 and lasts until 80. When you apply online, you may acquire coverage ranging from $10,000 to $150,000. You can contact an agent directly if you require more than $150,000 in coverage.

  • AARP Permanent Life Insurance

This whole life insurance coverage is available to AARP members aged 50 to 80. When you apply online, you can acquire up to $50,000 in coverage, but larger coverage limits are available if you deal with an agent. 

  • Guaranteed Acceptance of Life Insurance from AARP

Seniors between 50 and 80 can buy AARP-guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a maximum coverage of $25,000. There is no medical exam or health questionnaire required to acquire this plan.

Factors that influence the cost of AARP life insurance

1. Age

The age of the placeholder is critical in calculating life insurance charges. Life insurance rates are often higher for older people. Although AARP provides life insurance coverage for seniors, life insurance costs vary based on the insured's age.

2. Gender

According to gender studies, women have a greater life expectancy than males. Women outlive men by roughly five years. Due to their greater life expectancy, women often pay lower rates than males.

3. Health

Individuals in excellent health pay lesser rates than those with bad health. If you have poor health, you will get higher taxes than those with good health.

4. Smoking

Anyone's life expectancy can reduce because of smoking. In addition, smokers typically pay greater rates than nonsmokers. Some insurers even charge smokers twice as much as nonsmokers for life insurance. As a result, if you smoke, it may have a negative influence on your charge while AARP obtains life insurance.

5. Occupation

Certain vocations, such as those in high-risk occupations, may result in higher premiums. The insurer believes these vocations can reduce anyone's life expectancy at any time, forcing them to refuse to pay premiums. Even less risky activities like fishing, mining, or transportation increase life insurance premiums. It's crucial to remember that these are only guidelines; the precise cost of AARP life insurance will depend on your specific situation.

A life insurance policy is an excellent strategy to secure adequate financial assistance for your possessions or family following your death. A life insurance policy is an excellent strategy to secure adequate financial assistance for your possessions or family following your death. If you ever need to acquire such coverage, AARP can help. If you ever need to acquire such coverage, AARP can help.